Prof. Dame Xiangqian (Jane) Jiang 学术报告会

题目:Manufacturing Infratechnology

时间:2018年12月05日 16:00-17:00

地点:hga010网页登录 F210会议室




蒋向前,爵士、英国皇家工程院院士、英国国家未来计量联盟主任、中国国家杰出青年基金获得者、国际生产工程学会会士(FCIRP)、英国工程技术学会会士(FIET)、英国皇家艺术学会会士(FRSA)、国际标准化组织ISO/TC 213核心成员。主要研究方向为光学精密测量技术、表面计量学以及智能制造技术,在复杂形貌稳健滤波、智能制造的嵌入式测量技术、非欧几里得几何面型评定、自由曲面的轮廓扫描测量技术、新一代几何质量规范理论等方面做出了突出贡献,所带领的研究中心在国际上享有盛名。作为项目负责人承担了包括“标准软件和软件量规”及“高斯滤波器”等8项国际标准研究制定,在Proceeding of Royal Society等著名期刊上发表学术论文400余篇,编著了8部本领域著名的学术专著。获得2006年度英国皇家学会Wolfson杰出研究成就奖、2014年度获英国工程与技术学会制造科技创新奖,2017年因其在学术及工业界的贡献被英国女王授予爵士荣誉。



Royal Academy of Engineering/Renishaw Chair in Precision Metrology

Director, the UK National EPSRC Future Metrology Hub

University of Huddersfield

Professor Dame Jane Jiang holds a UK Royal Academy of Engineering/Renishaw Chair in Precision Metrology and is the Director of the EPSRC Future Metrology Hub. She obtained her PhD in measurement science in 1995, a Professorial Chair in 2003, a DSc for precision engineering in 2007.  

Jane is an internationally respected research leader in advanced metrology, that involves two major aspects: mathematical models and algorithms for geometrical products specification and metrology, including geometric shape, tolerancing, and surface texture analysis, filtration and parametric characterisation; and optical interferometry technology for embedded measurement, including wavelength/frequency scanning interferometry and optical chip interferometry.  

Jane is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), a Fellow of the International Academy of Production Research (CIRP), the Institute of Engineering Technology (FIET). She has published more than 400 journal papers; was awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 2006, the Sir Harold Hartley Medal in 2014 and the IET 2014 Innovation Award in the manufacturing technology.  More recently she received a Damehood in the 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to manufacturing and engineering.



This talk will discuss the essential scientific foundations for the future manufacturing of high valued products. Manufacturing is going through a 'disruptive revolution', from traditional, through innovation to future breakthrough factories that are fully intelligent and digitalised, allowing autonomous, cloud and distributed manufacturing during 2025-2050. This demands the creation of completely new technologies and methodologies to make design, production and quality control of complex products intelligently and automatically and thereby suitable for future production. 
However, current scientific understanding of high value manufacturing is far behind the autonomous target; it is much slower than the development of scientific computing technology which can be ready to support the ‘Internet of Things’ in time. This is a consequence of the lack of science fundaments, knowledge and enabling technologies.

The talk will concentrate on how to create infratechnology for future manufacturing of high valued products and establish scientific fundamentals and revolutionary technology to accelerate a transformation in high value manufacturing.  These include fundamentals for imaginative product design and metrology, embedded sensors/instrumentation and breakthroughs in-process quality control.




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