
题目:Surface Polaritons in Micro/Nanostructures for Tailoring Thermal Radiative Properties

时间:2019年7月22日 9:00-11:00

地点:hga010网页登录 F103会议室

邀请人:赵长颖 教授(工程热物理研究所)



Professor Zhuomin Zhang earned a Ph.D. degree from MIT and worked at NIST and 
University of Florida prior to joining Georgia Tech in 2002. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei). His research interests are in micro/nanoscale heat transfer especially nanoscale thermal radiation for energy conversion and temperature measurement. He has written a book on Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer (McGraw-Hill, 2007), co-authored over 190 journal papers, and given over 380 invited and contributed presentations. A number of his former students have established independent careers at major universities or industry in the United States, China (mainland and Taiwan) and South Korea. In addition, he has supervised many visiting scholars, postdoctoral fellows and undergraduate student researchers. Dr. Zhang currently serves as an associate editor of the Journal of Thermophysics & Heat Transfer and the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. He served as the Program Chair of the ASME 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference (Atlanta, March 2012), Chair of the 2nd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation (Shanghai, June 2014), and General Chair for the ASME 5th Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference (Singapore, January 2016). Dr. Zhang is a Fellow of ASME, AAAS, and APS, and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He was a recipient of the 1999 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and the 2015 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award.



There have been numerous studies on the spectral and directional control of thermal radiation such as coherent thermal emission, spectrally selective emitters or absorbers, extraordinary optical transmission, resonance perfect absorption, and wideband perfect absorption. Many of the metamaterial structures have a relatively small total thickness and are fabricated onto a substrate. They are sometimes called metasurfaces when the patterned structure has subwavelength thickness. The concept and term of polaritons were introduced in the 1950's to describe the coupling between photons and quasiparticles (such as plasmons, phonons, and excitons) in solids. Surface plasmon/phonon polaritons often play a significant role in the electromagnetic wave interactions with nanostructured materials. This presentation will review the basics of both bulk and surface polaritons. Several examples of using micro/nanostructures and metamaterials to excite surface plasmon/phonon polaritons (including magnetic, hyperbolic and hybrid polaritons) for tailoring the far-field radiative properties.





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