星火论坛第四十六期:Prof. Nicolas Noiray 学术报告会

题目:Combustion Dynamics in Sequential Combustors

时间:2019年7月24日 15:30

地点:hga010网页登录 振华会议室

邀请人:齐飞 教授(内燃机研究所)



Nicolas Noiray is Assistant Professor at ETH Zürich, where he leads the laboratory of
"Combustion and Acoustics for Power and Propulsion Systems" since August 2014. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Ecole Centrale Paris in 2007, and subsequently joined the Combustion Department of the Gas Turbine Research Division of Alstom. His research at ETH focuses on the modeling and control of reacting and non-reacting flows in practical systems like gas turbines for power generation, aero-engines and cryogenic rocket engines. In 2018, he received the prestigious Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Award from the Combustion Institute for his achievement in combustion dynamics. In 2019, he was awarded an ERC consolidator grant for his research on passive and active control of thermoacoustic instabilities.



Humankind is facing the immense challenge of climate change. The global efforts engaged to address this critical issue aim at future sustainable energy networks characterized by a mix of technological solutions. Thanks to their high operational flexibility and ultra-low pollutant emissions, gas turbines will play a key role in stabilizing the electric networks by balancing the intermittent production from the constantly growing wind and solar capacities. In recent years, sequential combustors for gas turbines have emerged and provide significantly higher operational and fuel flexibility compared to conventional single stage combustors. Their new architecture is foreseen to be key for enabling low-NOx combustion of hydrogen, which will be produced and stored from renewable energy excess. This talk deals with the scientific challenges associated to the understanding, modeling and control of the complex combustion process in these future combustors.




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