Dr. Luca Pagani 学术报告会

题目:A Characterization Framework for Freeform Surfaces

时间:2019年7月25日 15:00-16:00

地点:hga010网页登录 A701会议室

邀请人:姚振强 教授(制造技术与装备自动化研究所)



Dr. Luca Pagani received his BEng and MSc in Industrial Engineering and his
PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with a thesis entitled "Data Fusion for Process Optimization and Surface Reconstruction" from Politecnico di Milano. During his PhD project he developed a data fusion model to link data coming from different sources to avoid time consuming simulation calibration and to reconstruct surfaces with complex shapes. Luca moved to University of Huddersfield as a research fellow in 2015, his research focused on sampling strategy for CAD surfaces, primitive form estimation from triangular meshes, characterization of freeform surfaces, polygonal mesh and gray level volume processing. In the surface characterization field he worked on the generalization of the roughness parameters defined in the ISO standard from areal data to complex freeform surfaces. Luca's research focused also in processing of computed tomography data, reducing the computational time and storage volume of the required by the measured volume, and developing algorithms for the surface segmentation and reconstruction.

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