时间:2019年9月4日 15:00-17:00
地点:hga010网页登录 振华会议室
邀请人:王皓 教授(薄板结构制造研究所)
Prof. Thomas Bauernhansl is currently the Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), and also the director of the Institute for Industrial Manufacturing and Factory Operation (IFF) of the University of Stuttgart. He is the board member in Strategy Group of Industry 4.0 Platform of the German Federal Government. His scientific focuses include industry 4.0 production strategies, personalized production, managing complexity, robotics and automation. Fraunhofer IPA is the biggest fraunhofer institute in manufacturing engineering and is very well know as the leading research organization in Industry 4.0 all over Germany.
The digital transformation is in full swing. It is and will continue to be a key enabler for taking production systems to a new level in terms of cost efficiency, use cases, and opportunities. Thanks to connectivity and intelligent data evaluation, cyber-physical production systems become a main tool for generating the digital shadow of the whole production plant. A core technology for these cognitive production systems is artificial intelligence (AI). AI itself is the umbrella term for a variety of technologies. A prominent example for one of these technologies is machine learning (ML). We estimated an increase in the overall performance of cognitive production systems between 30 to 50 percent in value creation.