题目:Jet Engine Performance and Condition Monitoring – Science and Complex Engineering Craftsmanship / Challenges in Testing Micro Gas Turbines
时间:2019年9月25日 9:30-12:00
地点:hga010网页登录 振华会议室
邀请人:饶宇 教授(叶轮机械研究所)
题目:Jet Engine Performance and Condition Monitoring – Science and Complex Engineering Craftsmanship
报告人:Prof. Stephan Staudacher(德国斯图加特大学)
Stephan Staudacher生于1965年5月14日,现任德国斯图加特大学教授,德国科学与工程院
(Acatech) 院士,德国斯图加特大学航空发动机研究所 (ILA) 所长,长期从事航空发动机性能建模及仿真、发动机性能试验等研究。斯图加特大学航空发动机研究所 (ILA) 现有20多名研究人员,他是德国宇航局 (DLR) 理事,曾担任过德国航空航天技术学会 (DGLR) 主任委员。他领导和参与了多项德国工业界及经济与能源部 (BMWI) 重大研究项目,研究团队在航空发动机及燃气轮机性能及测试研究领域处于国际领先地位。该研究所具有德国唯一的航空发动机性能测试台,实验设施和研究方法先进;并与世界著名航空发动机及燃气轮机公司紧密合作,如罗-罗公司、MTU等工业企业,致力于将基础研究成果应用于航空发动机性能提升。
NASA has established the basic methods of jet engine performance modelling already at the beginning of the 1970's, i.e. at the dawn of the computing age. Since that, decades of development have made the numerical methods of jet engine performance to be highly reliable, efficient and precise.
Even today the base of these methods form similarity parameters, which already have been developed and reported in the 1930's. With this in mind, the application of engine performance programs in today's engine development programs and engine condition monitoring approaches is reviewed. It becomes obvious how rigorous scientific approaches and complex engineering craftsmanship are merged in today's application of engine performance.
Some of the challenges still to be mastered are derived from the above. They lead to engineering questions which again need a mixture of rigorous scientific and mathematical approaches as well as complex engineering craftsmanship.
题目:Challenges in Testing Micro Gas Turbines
报告人:Dr. Christian Koch(德国斯图加特大学)
Christian Koch生于1978年2月18日,现任斯图加特大学航空发动机研究所高级工程师,航空发动机性能测试以及实验技术专家。他于2003年在斯图加特大学获得硕士学位,2009在斯图加特大学航空发动机研究所获得博士学位,2008-2012年在德国MTU航空发动机公司担任航空发动机飞行和地面测试工程师,自2012年起任斯图加特大学航空发动机研究所高级工程师,他在航空发动机性能评估和测试领域具有丰富工程研究经验。
Today, Micro gas turbines are used in a variety of applications. The range is from scaled flight vehicles for scientific use and military drones to R/C modelling. The focus of this paper is the application in scaled flight vehicles for free flight experiments in a scientific environment. These micro gas turbines are used in the flight vehicle itself, but are also tested intensively in ground test beds. The basic layout of such engines is as a single spool engine with a single stage radial compressor, a combustor with vaporiser sticks and a single stage axial turbine. This design is used for both as a jet engine and for power shaft application. When it comes to test the performance of engines, the typical instrumentation for this purpose has to be implemented into the engine. Due to the small size of the gas path and the small diameter of micro gas turbines this is very challenging. Therefore, no rakes for multi radius measurements are used but there are pressure and temperature probes in different circumferential positions installed. The averaging of the measured data is both needed in time to reduce noise and in space to get a representative value for each engine station. The challenge of designing a combustion chamber for a micro gas turbine was successfully solved by the Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems. This was done by using CAD-modelling, CFD-calculations, tests in a water table and the final test in the engine. By operating a micro gas turbine under transient conditions like a cold start or a hot reslam manoeuvre, differences between the performance simulations and the test data has been seen. One explanation is the characteristic of the combustor with its vaporising sticks under acceleration manoeuvres, which leads to a partial combustion outside the whole engine.
For all issues mentioned above solutions are found and are presented.