时间:2023年11月29日 10:00-12:00
地点:转化医学大楼 N421会议室
邀请人:王京 副教授(智能制造与信息工程研究所)
董恺琛的主要研究领域为智能辐射散热、纳米光子学、MEMS/MOEMS、相变材料等。研究成果发表于Science、Joule、Physical Review Letters、Science Advances、Nature Communications等期刊,被科技部、人民网、新华网、美国合众国际社、ABC7新闻等报道。曾获国家级青年人才,《麻省理工科技评论》全球“35岁以下科技创新35人”、深圳鹏城孔雀计划等荣誉。
Vanadium dioxide undergoes a unique temperature-driven, reversible phase transition from the insulating to the metallic phase when heated above its transition temperature of 67 degrees Celsius. These two phases differ drastically in their electrical, mechanical, and optical properties. Based on this phase-transition material, we have developed various micro-mechanical and nano-photonic devices, including MEMS/MOEMS, metamaterial/metasurface, and smart thermal emitters. In this talk, I will give an overview of our work on the above topics.