题目:Nano-scale Radiative Transfer to Solve Large and Mega Scale Environmental Issues
时间:2024年9月21日 15:00-16:30
地点:hga010网页登录 F201会议室
邀请人:赵长颖 教授(工程热物理研究所)
Prof. Shigenao Maruyama is currently Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University and a specially appointed Visiting Professor (Coordinator of Social Cooperation and International Collaboration) of Tohoku University. He is affiliated member of the Science Council of Japan. Prof. Maruyama specialized in applying radiative heat transfer analysis to complex engineering shapes, optical measurement devices to study double convective and crystal growth in microgravity environments, and biomedical and low CO2 emission power generation systems using methane hydrate. He published more than 250 journal papers, 18 books, 53 patents. He was the vice president of Heat Transfer Society of Japan. He was the founding chair of many international conferences/symposiums. He was presented with the Purple Ribbon Medal of Japan in April 2012, which honors highest national contributions. He was continuously selected for the 21st Century COE Program and the Global COE Program, serving as a core leader in nurturing graduate students and young researchers.
Global warming is one of the most serious problems faced by humans. One method to decrease the Earth’s temperature is to reduce solar irradiation by dispersing nanoparticles in the atmosphere. Submicron-diameter particles or aerosols scatter solar irradiation, whereas they are transparent to long-wavelength infrared radiation emitted by the Earth. It is examined that the first-order approximation of the feasibility of controlling the global temperature without reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. We propose the controlled dispersion of nanoparticles into the stratosphere at an altitude of 30 km.