Dr. Werner Krebs学术报告会

题目:Advanced Combustion System for High Efficiency (ACE) of the New SGT5/6-9000HL Gas Turbine): Road to Decarbonization

时间:2024年10月22日 15:00-16:30

地点:hga010网页登录 F210会议室

邀请人:李玉阳 教授(航空动力研究所)



Dr. Werner Krebs received his Ph.D. in 1995 from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany), specializing in “Radiant Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Combustors”. In 1996, he joined Siemens AG (now Siemens Energy) and established the numerical group within the engineering department. In 2006, he became the Technology Manager for Combustion Systems and developed new combustion systems that were later implemented in the 9000HL gas turbine. Since 2017, Dr. Krebs has served as the Lead Technology Expert in gas turbine engineering, overseeing advancements in gas turbine technologies.



This talk will focus on the development of the 9000HL gas turbine and the innovative features of its ACE combustor. The 9000HL is the largest gas turbine in the world, with a power output of 600 MW, and holds the Guinness World Record for efficiency at 64.1%. In the first part of the talk, the speaker will discuss the development process of the ACE combustor and its key technologies for improving turbine efficiency and performance. The second part will cover Siemens Energy's further steps toward decarbonizing power production, including future technology roadmaps and development strategies.


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