题目:Model Development for Turbulent Reacting Flow
时间:2024年12月30日 13:30-16:00
地点:hga010网页登录 F201会议室
邀请人:来姝玥 副教授(航空动力研究所)
Dr Leo (XiaoHang) Fang is an Assistant Professor at the Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary and a visiting academic of the Thermal Propulsion System Research Group academic of the Thermal Propulsion System Research Group (TPSRG) at the University of Oxford. Before his position in Calgary, he was an engineering science lecturer and research fellow at Oriel & Sommerville College and a researcher at TPSRG. His research interests include turbulent combustion modeling, high-fidelity simulations with detailed chemistry, and novel computational diagnostics tools. He received a BASc from the University of British Columbia in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford. His work is currently supported by the John Fell Fund, the University of Oxford, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Alberta Innovate, and the University of Calgary. He is currently leading a center of excellence in hydrogen combustion.
Global energy demand is estimated to increase by a quarter by 2040. While significant efforts have been made to renewable power generation and the electrification of ground transportation, for hard-to-electrify transportation industries (e.g. rail, marine, and aviation), novel thermal propulsion systems that can reduce carbon footprint are also much needed. Research groups worldwide are exploring alternative fuels, novel combustion chamber designs, and increased operating envelopes to promote low carbon footprint combustion modes. Among these, ultralean operations are found, within reason, to be a promising control strategy for optimizing systems relying on combustion by increasing efficiency, reducing pollutants, and minimizing CO2 emissions. However, accurate prediction of combustion in – and the mechanisms and rates of formation of pollutants from – such systems is challenging because of the complex interactions between turbulence and chemical reactions. In particular, the presence of partially premixed flames in these systems has demonstrated significant challenges for current model approaches. Therefore, the development of novel combustion models suitable for propulsion systems at partially premixed conditions is much needed. In recent years, moment-based numerical models are found to hold the promise of simulating a very wide variety of different combustion problems. However, most of the work conducted is primarily with simple fuels (e.g. methane) and under laboratory conditions. In this talk, we will discuss what are the challenges and advantages of using such models in practical engineering systems with renewable fuels such as DME and hydrogen. We will also cover some recent development of a hydrogen center of excellence in Canada.