题目:Breaking the Bottleneck in Limiting Performance and Durability of Ni/YSZ Based Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells
时间:2024年12月23日 9:30-11:30
地点:hga010网页登录 F310会议室
邀请人:朱磊 教授(新能源动力研究所)
陈铭博士是丹麦技术大学能源转化与储存系的全职正教授,同时担任丹麦电化学学会副会长。他在固体氧化物电池(SOCs)领域拥有超过25年的研究经验,研究方向涵盖单电池与电堆的开发与测试、微观结构表征以及微观结构演化建模等方面。他带领的研究团队在高温电解技术中固体氧化物单电池及电池堆部件的制备、电化学性能与微观结构表征,以及性能与长期稳定性优化等方面取得了显著成果。陈铭博士已在 Chemical Reviews、Energy & Environmental Science、npj Computational Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Acta Materialia 等国际顶尖期刊和会议上发表论文170余篇,出版英文专著章节3篇,并获得2项中国专利授权以及3项欧盟或国际专利授权。陈铭博士的学术影响力受到国际认可,多次入选斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%高被引学者榜单。他负责或参与主持了近20项丹麦及欧盟科研项目。因在计算材料学领域的突出贡献,陈铭博士于2005年荣获美国陶瓷学会的Spriggs相平衡奖;同时,因其在高温电解技术和项目管理方面的卓越成就,荣获丹麦国家电网公司 (Energinet.dk) 授予的2016年度研究大奖 (ForskEL-prize 2016)。
Solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) convert electrical energy to chemical energy stored in H2 and/or CO and have a great potential to become a key enabling technology in the transition towards renewables. The key challenges for the successful commercialization of SOEC are the limited long-term durability and cost. To ensure high production rate and hence reduce the investment cost, operation at high current densities needs to be considered. Conventional Ni/yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) fuel electrode supported SOEC cells demonstrate acceptable long-term durability when operated at below 1 A/cm2, with a number of tests running for years. These cells suffer however severe degradation when operated at above 1 A/cm2, where the major degradation phenomena are reported to be delamination of the oxygen electrode, crack formation in the YSZ electrolyte, depletion of Ni in the active Ni/YSZ electrode, deterioration of the Ni-YSZ interface, and formation of ZrO2 nano-particles on Ni surface. The same cell shows also accelerated degradation when operated at low temperature below 700oC. A large part of the cell resistance increase is associated with the Ni/YSZ electrode. By introducing Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-d (CGO) nanoparticles into the Ni/YSZ electrode via solution infiltration, we were able to reduce the cell degradation from 699 mV/1000h to 20 mV/1000h when operating the cells at 800oC and 1.25 A/cm2, with a number of tests exceeding one year. The CGO nano-particles facilitate the steam splitting reaction at the Ni/YSZ triple phase boundaries (TPB), reduce the electrode polarization and effectively mitigate the microstructural deterioration typically seen in the non-modified Ni/YSZ electrodes. The remaining-20 mV/1000h degradation is mainly associated with coarsening and impurity poisoning of CGO nano-particles. Similar beneficial effects of CGO infiltration were demonstrated also at 650oC and 0.75 A/cm2 with similar low degradation rates. The current work shows high potential of boosting performance and durability conventional SOEC cells toward high current density and/or low temperature operation via the infiltrating route.