








1999-2004    浙江大学机械电子工程专业    博士
1996-1999    太原理工大学机械设计及理论专业    硕士
1992-1996    太原理工大学机械制造工程专业    学士


2004-2006     上海交通大学hga010网页登录  博士后
2007-至今      上海交通大学大学hga010网页登录  硕士生导师
2013.6-2014.6 美国普渡大学机械学院 Maha Fluid Power Research Center  访问学者
2020- 至今     上海交通大学大学hga010网页登录  博士生导师


1. 海浪能智能捕获设计与发电
2. 海浪能捕获系统智能控制
3. 海上作业多体运动及动力学
4. 智慧能源系统及大数据
5. 核主泵启动与断电瞬变特性
6. 喷水推进轴流泵内流场
7. 液压阀的气穴与噪声


Nuclear Engineering and Design 审稿人  
Annals of Nuclear Energy 审稿人  
Ocean Engineering  审稿人
China Ocean Engineering 审稿人
Energy 审稿人
Applied Energy 审稿人

1. 课程名称:设计与制造I
授课对象: 本科生
学时数:  64

2. 课程名称:工程图学(3)
授课对象: 本科生
学时数:  48


2021-2024 国家自然科学基金面上项目“强耦合并联驱动多自由度波浪能捕获机理及损失规律研究”,负责人

2019-2020 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室开放基金"多自由度浮体并联液压缸海浪能收集动力学机理的研究",负责人

2017-2020  国家自然科学基金面上项目“多维振荡浮体并联液压缸波浪能捕获动态特性及机理的研究”,负责人
2014-2018  国家自然科学基金重点项目“新型大功率海上风力波浪一体化复合发电装备能量收集与传递原理“,主研
2012-2014  国家自然科学基金青年基金“核主泵非稳态运行工况下瞬变特性及机理的研究”,负责人
2014-2016  国家自然科学基金青年基金 “行走机器人新型电机-液压复合驱动器性能评价与实验方法”,参与
2009-2013  973计划资助项目“核主泵制造的关键科学问题”子课题,主研
2006-2008  国家项目“ 喷水推进轴流模型泵级内流场的实验研究”,主研
2004-2006  技术服务项目“船用喷水推进装置的流体动力学计算分析”,主研
2005-2006  技术服务项目“液体火箭发动机推进剂供应系统水击数值计算”,主研
2004-2006  上海市博士后基金“运载火箭级间分离动态流场数值仿真”,负责人

2002-2004  国家自然科学基金面上项目“液压元件典型激振流场控制理论与方法的研究”,主研

1999-2021 国家自然科学基金重点项目“机械/流体传动的节能及新型传动方式的基础性研究”参研


[1] Hong Gao, et al. Capture mechanism of a multi-dimensional wave energy converter with a strong coupling parallel drive. Applied Energy, 2024, 361: 122828.
[2] L. M. Yang, et al. Design and control of a novel six-legged skating robot with skateboards. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024, 29 (4): 2590-2601.
[3] L. M. Yang, et al. Obstacle avoidance strategy for a novel skiing robot in unknown snow environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2024, 9 (4): 3203-3210.
[4] Y. Wang,et al. Robust Kalman Filter Based Path-Tracking Control with Prescribed Performance for Autonomous Ground Vehicles under FDI Attack. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2024), 2024, 10, 6-10, Sarawak, Malaysia.
[5] C. Hu, et al. Optimal Adaptive Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic with Communication Latence and Driver Reaction, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, 25(11): 18636-18647.
[6] L. M. Yang et.al. Design and control of a novel six-legged robot for flat, downhill, and uphill skiing. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2023, 7, 5-7, Hangzhou.
[7] Hong Gao, Jie Xiao. Effects of power take-off parameters and harvester shape on wave energy extraction and output of a hydraulic conversion system. Applied Energy,2021,299:117278.
[8] 高红,肖杰等 液压系统参数和浮体形状对波浪能捕获的影响. 第十二届全国流体传动及控制学术会议, 厦门, 2023, 4.8-4.9.
[9] 高红,肖杰. 波浪能捕获浮体对能量转化系统特性的影响, 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(16):360-369.
[10] 高红,肖杰. 基于模糊 PI 的波浪能液压转化系统平稳控制研究,机械工程学报, 2021, 57(10): 267-276.
[11] 高红,梁睿智. 波浪能捕获液压系统的特性研究, 机械工程学报, 2020, 56(18): 180-187.
[12] Hong Gao, Jie Xiao. Effect of Accumulator on Dynamic Performance of a Hydraulic Wave Energy Conversion System, The 10th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP 2021), 11-13, April, Hangzhou, 2021,148-152.
[13] 高红,肖杰,梁睿智. 浮体参数对波浪能液压转化系统动态特性的影响. 第十一届全国流体传动及控制学术会议, 上海, 2020, 10.31-11.2
[14] Hong Gao  Ruizhi Liang. Performance analysis of axisymmetric floating energy harvesters and influences of parameters and shape variation. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43(6):2057-2074.(Cover Paper)
[15] Hong Gao  Ruizhi Liang. Performance investigation of a hydraulic power take-off system for wave energy conversion. 2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, April 10-13, 2019, Wuhan, FPM2019-094.
[16] Hong Gao, Ruizhi Liang. Hydraulic system characteristic and motor performance in a wave energy conversion system. July 20-21, 2019, Beijing, RMTC 2019.( Awarded Best Paper)
[17] 高红,梁睿智,築地徹浩. 波浪能转化液压系统动态特性及能量转化的研究. 液压与气动, 2019, (6):1-4.
[18] Hong Gao  Yang Yu. The dynamics and power absorption of cone-cylinder wave energy converters with three degree of freedom in irregular waves, Energy, 2018,143: 833-845. (SCI 收录, WOS:000425565700069)
[19] Gao Hong, Ruizhi Liang, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji . Investigation of dynamic characteristics and wave energy conversion of a hydraulic system. 10thFPTC, 2018.7.23,Beijing.
[20] Hong Gao,  Zhiheng Wang. Hydrodynamic response analysis and wave energy absorption of wave energy converters in regular waves. Marine Technology Society Journal, 2017, 51(1):64-74.(SCI 收录, WOS:000396298100008)
[21] Hong Gao,Feng Gao.Non-dimensional analysis of the transient flow rate and the coolant temperature in a reactor coolant system under different pump failures. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2016, 53(12):1988-1998. (SCI 收录, WOS:000386383300009)
[22]Gao Hong,Yu Yang,et al. Hydrodynamic analysis of a halfsphere-cylinder wave energy converter,The 9th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP2017),2017,4,11-13,Hangzhou.
[23] Gao Hong, Gao Feng. Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Floating Cylinder and the Power Capture Of Wave Energy. 9th FPTC-2016, 11.17-18, Hangzhou.
[24] Hong Gao, Feng Gao, Xianchao ZHAO, Jie CHEN, Xuewu CAO,Analysis of reactor coolant pump transient performance in primary coolant system during start-up period.Annals of Nuclear Energy,2013,54:202–208.(SCI收录,WOS:000315612400026)
[25] Hong Gao, Feng Gao, Xianchao Zhao, Jie Chen, Xuewu Cao. Flow transient in primary coolant system during reactor coolant pump start-up period. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, 2013, July, Nevada, USA, FEDSM2013-16580. (EI: 20140517253419, CPCI-S 收录: 000359030900066)
[26] Hong Gao, Feng Gao, Xianchao ZHAO, Jie CHEN, Xuewu CAO, Transient Flow Analysis in Reactor Coolant Pump Systems during Flow Coastdown Period. Nuclear engineering and design 2011, 241(2): 509-514.(SCI收录,WOS: 000287438900009 )
[27] GAO Hong, GAO Feng, CHEN Jie, CAO Xue-wu,Investigation of Flywheel Response during Flow Coastdown in Reactor Coolant System,2010 International conference on mechanism and machine science,Shanghai, 2010,July 21-25, 135-137.
[28]Hong Gao, Wanlai Lin, Zhaohui Du, Numerical Flow and Performance Analysis of a Water-Jet Axial Flow Pump, Ocean Engineering, Vol.35, No.16, 2008: 1604-1614.(SCI收录,WOS:000261293900005)
[29]H. Gao, W. L. Lin, Z. H. Du, An Investigation of the Flow and Overall Performance in a Water-Jet Axial Flow Pump based on CFD and Inverse Design Method, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part a, Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 222, No.5, 2008: 517-527.(SCI收录,WOS:000258584700008)
[30]Hong Gao, Wanlai Lin, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji. Investigation of Cavitation near the Orifice of Hydraulic Valves, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 220, No.4, 2006: 253-265.(SCI收录,WOS:000239834200002)
[31]Gao Hong, Lin Wanlai, Fu Xin, Yang Huayong, Tsukiji Tetsuhiro, Suppression of a Cavitation near the Orifice of a Relief Valve, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), Vol. 18, No.1, 2005: 149-155.(EI: 05199092669)
[32]Hong Gao, Wanlai Lin, Fangming Ye, An Investigation of the Flow and Global Performance in a Water-Jet Axial Flow Pump Based on CFD and Inverse Design Method, Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, 2005 Symposia, FEDSM2005, v 1 PART B, 2005: 1193-1201.(EI: 05519594278,CPCI-S收录,WOS:000242485100129)
[33]Hong Gao, Wanlai Lin, Fangming Ye, CFD Investigation of Global Performance and Three Dimensional Flows in a Water-Jet Axial Flow Pump, Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, 2005 Symposia, FEDSM2005, v 1 PART B, 2005: 1573-1581. (EI: 06219888512,CPCI-S收录,WOS:000242485100172)
[34]GAO Hong, FU Xin, YANG Hua-yong, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Numerical Investigation of Cavitating Flow Behind the Cone of a Poppet Valve in Water Hydraulic Systerm, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, Vol.3, No.4, 2002: 395-400.(EI: 02487244417)
[35]GAO Hong, FU Xin, YANG Hua-yong, Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Cavitating Flow within Hydraulic Poppet Valve, Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.38, No.8, 2002 27-30.(EI: 03097381737)
[36]Hong GAO, Xin FU, Huayong YANG and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Cavitating Flow Within Hydraulic Poppet Valve. 3rd International Fluid Power Conference proceedings, Aachen, Germany, March 5-6, 2002: 331-339.
[37]Hong GAO, Xin FU, Huayong YANG and Tetsuhiro TSUKIJI,Numerical and Experimental of Investigation of Cavitating Flow in Oil Hydraulic Ball Valve. The Fifth JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, Nara, Japan, November 12-15, 2002: 923-928.
[38]Gao Hong, Fu Xin, Yang Huayong, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Flow Visualization and Noise Measurement in Hydraulic Relief Valve. The Fourth International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control, April 8-10, 2003, Wuhan, China, 574-577.
[39]Gao Hong, Fu Xin, Yang Huayong. Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flow in Hydraulic Conical Valve. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP-2001), Hangzhou, China, April 3-4, 2001: 485- 488.(CPCI-S:000176367500105)
[40] Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Yohei Yamamoto, Hong Gao. Flow analysis inside the suction chamber of a compressor for automotive air-conditioner. The Fourth International Symposium on Fluid Power Transmission and Control,April 8-10, 2003, Wuhan, China, 554-559.
[41] 高红,傅新,杨华勇,築地徹浩.锥阀阀口气穴流场的数值模拟与试验研究.机械工程学报,2002,38(8):27-30.(EI: 03097381737)
[42] 高红,傅新,杨华勇,築地徹浩.球阀阀口气穴流场的模拟与可视化研究.农业机械学报,2003,34(3):45-48.(EI 03297554290)
[43] 高红,傅新,杨华勇,築地徹浩. 球阀阀口气穴流场的数值模拟与实验研究.中国机械工程,2003,14(4):338-340.
[44] 高红,傅新,築地徹浩.平衡阀内气穴现象的研究.液压与气动,2002,7:22-23.
[45] 高红,傅新,杨华勇,築地徹浩.球阀阀口气穴现象的研究.第5届海内外青年设计与制造科学会议,2002,7月10-12日,大连,520-522.
[46] 高红,叶方明,林万来.喷水推进泵的CFD研究.中国科协第五届青年学术年会文集,北京:中国科学技术出版社,主编:张玉台,2004,8-¬9.
[47] 叶方明,高红,林万来.后置导叶型喷水推进泵总特性及三维流场.上海交通大学学报,2005,39(9):1409-¬1412.(EI 05459460180)
[48] 黄欢明,高红,杜朝辉.轴流泵出口流场的实验研究与数值模拟.水泵技术,2008, (2): 6-8,31.
[49] 黄欢明,高红,沈枫,杜朝辉.轴流泵内流场的数值模拟与实验.农业机械学报,2008,39(8):66-69,148.(EI: 20083711541007)
[50] 黄欢明,高红,杜朝辉.轴流泵叶轮内部流动数值模拟与实验.上海交通大学学报,2009,43(1):124-128.


[1] 货物抓取运输装置, ZL201810489279.2
[2] 多自由度波浪能吸收和转换装置, ZL201810936476.4
[3] 一种Y型海浪能吸收和转换装置 ZL201410339432.5

2024 春季学期课程项目成果"“翼”-机械式翅膀"获优秀课程项目一等奖;
2024 春季学期课程项目成果"“铁树银花”——一体式打铁花机"获优秀课程项目二等奖;
2024  春季学期课程项目成果"腾龙行云"获优秀展示奖;
2023 设计与制造1 教学贡献团队奖
2023  春季学期课程项目成果"一体式起立行走辅助器"获优秀课程项目二等奖;
2023  春季学期课程项目成果"模块化海带夹苗机"获优秀课程项目三等奖;
2023  春季学期课程项目成果"自动榴莲采摘机"获优秀展示奖;
2022. 春季学期课程项目成果"仿生噬菌体”获优秀课程项目二等奖;
2022. 春季学期课程项目成果"冬奥主题工艺八音盒”获优秀课程项目二等奖;
2022. 春季学期课程项目成果"仿生机械蝎”获最佳展示奖;
2021. 春季学期课程项目成果"基于Robomaster的新型舵轮底盘"获优秀课程项目一等奖;
2021. 春季学期课程项目成果"自动行棋机器臂"获优秀课程项目二等奖;
2021. 春季学期课程项目成果"仿蜘蛛轮腿一体机器人"获课程项目优秀展示奖;
2021. 春季学期课程项目成果"遥控式河道垃圾捕集船"获课程项目优秀展示奖;
2020. 春季学期课程项目成果"快乐星球-太阳系行星系统模型"获优秀课程项目一等奖;
2020. 春季学期课程项目成果"时间舞者"获优秀课程项目三等奖;
2020. 春季学期课程项目成果"行走机械昆虫"和"四小时计时器"获最佳展示奖;
2019.  春季学期课程项目成果“墨家传人—力霸天”和“深井救援机械手”获优秀项目二等奖;
2019.  春季学期课程项目成果“机械盆景”和“机械鸟动态座钟”获最佳展示奖;
2018.  春季课程项目成果"驱动辐条式多地型越障机器人"获优秀项目一等奖;
2018.  春季课程项目成果"音乐密码锁"获优秀项目二等奖和最受学生欢迎奖;
2018. "设计与制造系列课程教学团队”获上海交通大学教书育人奖(集体奖)二等奖,团队成员;
2017.  春季课程项目成果"狭小空间抓取平台"获优秀项目二等奖;
2017.  春季课程项目成果"模块化机械键盘匣"获优秀项目三等奖;
2017.  春季课程项目成果"速溶饮品出粉机"获最佳创意奖
2016.  春季课程项目成果"小型四轴无人机"和"简易乒乓球发球机"获优秀项目三等奖
2016.  春季课程项目成果"家用自动筛麦机"获优秀项目三等奖
2014.  获SCI期刊NED荣誉证书: Certificate of Reviewing Nuclear Engineering and Design  
2012.  指导第四届大学生创新实践荣获上海市陈嘉庚杯第十界青少年发明二等奖