电子邮件:liusiyu@sjtu.edu.cn, 期待具有物理化学、纳米材料、微纳制造、电子器件等背景的有志之士加入!
2016-08 至 2020-05, 普渡大学, 工业工程(微纳制造), 博士
2015-08 至 2016-05, 普渡大学, 工业工程, 硕士
2010-09 至 2014-06, 上海交通大学, 材料科学与工程, 学士
2020-06 至今 上海交通大学, hga010网页登录, 助理教授
2017-06 至 2017-08 Powdermet Inc.|克利夫兰|美国,暑期研发工程师
• 微纳制造新方法
• 纳米材料成核和晶体生长的基础理论
• 用于功能器件的纳米材料的合成、制造与集成
(1) NSF , 美国自然科学基金, , 2017-05 至 2020-07, 结题, 参与
(2) NASA, Phase I project, 2017-06 至 2017-12, 结题, 参与
(1) He, Yongsen, and Siyu Liu. "Simulation of the Nucleation and Crystal Growth Process in the Laser-Induced Deposition in Solution by a Lattice Boltzmann Method." Nanomaterials 12, no. 18 (2022): 3213.
(2) Wang, Ruoxing, Siyu Liu, C. Richard Liu, and Wenzhuo Wu. "Data-driven learning of process− property− performance relation in laser-induced aqueous manufacturing and integration of ZnO piezoelectric nanogenerator for self-powered nanosensors." Nano Energy 83 (2021): 105820.
(3) Liu, Siyu, and C. Richard Liu. "Observation of New Dynamics of Transitions among Intermediate Species in Crystal Evolution and Its Role in a Generic Model of Crystallization." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, no. 13 (2021): 7343-7349.
(4) Liu, Siyu, Chun-yu Ou, and C. Richard Liu. "Temporal and spatial temperature modelling for understanding pulsed laser induced solution based nanomanufacturing." Nanotechnology 31, no. 32 (2020): 325601.
(5) Liu, Siyu, and C. Richard Liu. "Morphology control by pulsed laser in chemical deposition illustrated in ZnO crystal growth." Crystal Growth & Design 19, no. 5 (2019): 2912-2918.
(6) Liu, Zhikun, Siyu Liu, Wenzhuo Wu, and C. Richard Liu. "The mechanism of controlled integration of ZnO nanowires using pulsed-laser-induced chemical deposition." Nanoscale 11, no. 6 (2019): 2617-2623.
(7) Liu, Siyu, Zhilei Wang, Yongkui Huang, Zhijiang Ni, Jirong Bai, Shifei Kang, Yangang Wang, and Xi Li. "Fluorine doping and Al2O3 coating Co-modified Li [Li0. 20Ni0. 133Co0. 133Mn0. 534] O2 as high performance cathode material for lithium-ion batteries." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 731 (2018): 636-645.
(8) Qin, Hengfei, Shifei Kang, Yongkui Huang, Siyu Liu, Yao Fang, Xi Li, and Yangang Wang. "Lignin based synthesis of carbon nanocages assembled from graphitic layers with hierarchical pore structure." Materials Letters 159 (2015): 463-465.
(9) Qin, Hengfei, Yongkui Huang, Siyu Liu, Yao Fang, Xi Li, and Shifei Kang. "Synthesis and properties of magnetic carbon nanocages particles for dye removal." Journal of Nanomaterials 2015 (2015): 6-6.
(10) Wang, Fei, Hong Zhao, Yijian Lai, Siyu Liu, Binyuan Zhao, Yuesheng Ning, and Xiaobin Hu. "Morphosynthesis of cubic silver cages on monolithic activated carbon." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, no. 42 (2013): 18367-18370.
Liu, C. and Liu, S., Purdue Research Foundation, 2022. Method of selectively controlling nucleation for crystalline compound formation by irradiating a precursor with a pulsed energy source. U.S. Patent 11,505,877.
Liu, C. and Liu, S., Purdue Research Foundation, 2021. Method for nanomaterials chemical deposition using pulsed laser, US Patent App. 16/699,459