







2017.09 至 2021.06,上海交通大学,博士
2014.09 至 2017.06,中国科学技术大学,硕士


2023.09 至今,上海交通大学,助理教授
2021.07 至 2023.08,上海交通大学,博士后


1. 碳中性燃料燃烧反应动力学
2. 燃烧反应调控


2024年-至今,Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism编委



1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于聚甲氧基二甲醚掺混的氨气宽温区燃烧反应调控研究,2023-01 至 2025-12,在研,主持;
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助, 典型可再生合成燃料的低温氧化反应动力学研究,2021-08 至 2023-07,结题,主持;
3. 上海市“超级博士后”激励计划,典型可再生合成燃料的宽范围燃烧反应动力学研究, 2021-11 至 2023-07,结题,主持;


[24] Bilal Hussain, Jun Fang, Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li*, Yuyang Li*
Combustion Enhancement of Ammonia by Cofiring Oxymethylene Ethers (OMEn, n = 0–2): An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Investigation
Energy & Fuels 38 (2024) 22516–22526.
[23] Yuyang Li*, Yi Zhang, Jun Fang, Zhongya Xi, Jianguo Zhang, Zundi Liu, Xiaoxiang Shi, Wei Li*
Combustion enhancement of ammonia by co-firing dimethyl ether/hydrogen mixtures under methane-equivalent calorific value
Combustion and Flame 265 (2024) 113490.
[22] Wei Li, Jun Fang, Yi Zhang, Zhongya Xi, Jianguo Zhang, Songlin Liu, Qiying Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Yuyang Li*
Co-firing ammonia and hydrogen with butane under methane-equivalent calorific value and Wobbe index: Insights into transition in flame propagation and swirl flame characteristics
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105352.
[21] Qilong Fang, Jun Fang, Yi Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li*, Yuyang Li*
Exploring flow reactor pyrolysis of branched OMEs: Insights into multi-sidechain effects on pyrolysis chemistry of CH3OCH3-n(OCH3)n (n=1-3)
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105699.
[20] Xiaoxiang Shi, Wei Li*, Jianguo Zhang, Qilong Fang, Yi Zhang, Zhongya Xi, Yuyang Li*
Exploration of NH3 and NH3/DME laminar flame propagation in O2/CO2 atmosphere: Insights into NH3/CO2 interactions
Combustion and Flame 260 (2024) 113245.
[19]  Bilal Hussain, Qilong Fang, Jun Fang, Yi Zhang, Wei Li*, Yuyang Li
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on the co-pyrolysis of benzene, acetylene, and dimethyl ether: Insights into the fuel component interactions
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 178 (2024) 106418.
[18] Bilal Hussain, Wei Li*, Qilong Fang, Yuyang Li*
Synergistic effects of fuel components on aromatics formation in combustion: A review
Applied Sciences 14 (2024) 6720.
[17]  Zundi Liu, Yi Zhang, Wei Li*, Xiaoxiang Shi, Yuyang Li*
Self-promoted fuel pyrolysis under oxygen enrichment enables clean and efficient ammonia combustion
The Innovation Energy 1 (2024) 100006.
[16] Tianyou Lian†, Xiaoxiang Shi†, Sibo Han, Yi Zhang, Zundi Liu, Zhongya Xi, Wei Li*, Yuyang Li
Unraveling the impact of CO2 exhaust gas recirculation on flame characteristics and NOx emissions of premixed NH3/DME swirl flames
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 17 (2024) 100256.
[15] Jianguo Zhang, Jun Fang, Qiying Zhang, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li*
Exploring fuel isomeric effects of hexanes at various pressures: Pyrolysis and laminar burning velocity
Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism (2024) accepted.
[14] Zhongya Xi, Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li*, Zundi Liu, Xiaoxiang Shi, Tianyou Lian, Sibo Han, Yuyang Li*
Exploration on laminar flame propagation of biogas and DME mixtures up to 10 atm: Insight into effects of DME co-firing, CO2 addition and pressure
Fuel 344 (2023) 128114.
[13] Wei Li, Qilong Fang, Jianguo Zhang, Yanpak Chou, Lili Ye, Yuyang Li*
Role of CH2O moiety on laminar burning velocities of oxymethylene ethers (OMEn): A case study of dimethyl ether, OME1 and OME2
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 795-804.
[12] Wei Li1, Jianguo Zhang1, Sven Eckart*, Jingxian Xia, Hartmut Krause, Yuyang Li*
On the laminar flame propagation of C5H10O2 esters up to 10 atm: A comparative experimental and kinetic modeling study
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 1851-1860.
[11] Jianguo Zhang, Wei Li*, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li*
Laminar flame propagation of acetone and 2-butanone at normal to high pressures: Insight into fuel molecular structure effects of ketones
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 1709-1720.
[10] Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Wei Li1, Qiang Xu, Yi Zhang, Yixuan Jing, Zhandong Wang*, S.Mani Sarathy*
A decoupled modeling approach and experimental measurements for pyrolysis of C6-C10 saturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs)
Combustion and Flame 243 (2022) 111955.
[9] Jianguo Zhang1, Bowen Mei1, Wei Li1, Jun Fang, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Yuyang Li*
Unraveling pressure effects in laminar flame propagation of ammonia: A comparative study with hydrogen, methane, and ammonia/hydrogen
Energy & Fuels 36 (2022) 8528-8537.
[8] Yan Zhang, Jingxian Xia, Qilong Fang, Bowen Mei, Wei Li*, Tianyu Li, Yuyang Li*
Unraveling combustion chemistry of tetramethoxysilane in flow reactor pyrolysis and laminar flame propagation
Combustion and Flame 242 (2022) 112169.
[7] Zhanjun Cheng*, Hui Wang, Wenhao Yin, Jinglan Wang, Wei Li*, Zhandong Wang, Lili Xing, Xuezhi Gao, Bowen Mei, Yan Zhang, Jiuzhong Yang, Lixia Wei, Xin Zhong, Hu Wang, Yuyang Li, Beibei Yan, Guanyi Chen
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of di-n-propyl ether and diisopropyl ether combustion: Pyrolysis and laminar flame propagation velocity
Combustion and Flame 237 (2022) 111809.
[6] Wei Li, Chuangchuang Cao, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li*, Jiuzhong Yang, Jiabiao Zou, Bowen Mei, Zhanjun Cheng*
Exploring combustion chemistry of ethyl valerate at various pressures: Pyrolysis, laminar burning velocity and kinetic modeling
Combustion and Flame 227 (2021) 27-38.
[5] Wei Li, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li*, Sven Eckart*, Hartmut Krause, Siyuan Ma, Yan Zhang
Insight into fuel isomeric effects on laminar flame propagation of pentanones
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2135-2142.
[4] Zundi Liu, Tianyou Lian, Wei Li*, Chuangchuang Cao, Hongyu Xiong, Yuyang Li*
Mini review of current combustion research progress of biodiesel and model compounds for gas turbine application
Energy & Fuels 35 (2021) 13569-13584.
[3] Wei Li, Lili Ye, Qilong Fang, Jiabiao Zou, Jiuzhong Yang, Yuyang Li*
Exploration on thermal decomposition of cyclopentanone: A flow reactor pyrolysis and kinetic modeling study
Energy & Fuels 35 (2021) 14023-14034.
[2] Wei Li, Yan Zhang, Bowen Mei, Yuyang Li*, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhanjun Cheng*
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-propanol and i-propanol combustion: Flow reactor pyrolysis and laminar flame propagation
Combustion and Flame 207 (2019) 171-185.
[1] Wei Li, Guoqing Wang, Yuyang Li*, Tianyu Li, Yan Zhang, Chuangchuang Cao, Jiabiao Zou, Chung K. Law*
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on pyrolysis and combustion of n-butane and i-butane at various pressures
Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 126-141.
[2] 李伟, 张言, 曹创创, 齐飞, 李玉阳*
工程热物理学报 39 (2018) 1390-1394.
[1] 李伟, 张言, 曹创创, 齐飞, 李玉阳*
燃烧科学与技术 24(1) (2018) 083-088.

2024年,国际燃烧学会Bernard Lewis奖