












1. 工程摩擦学与可靠性
2. 多学科耦合建模仿真
3. 在线测量与数字孪生
4. 全生命周期设计方法


1. 中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会常务理事
2. 中国内燃机学会新材料与表面技术分会副主任委员
3. 中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会工业摩擦学工作委员会委员
4. 中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会油液监测技术专业委员会委员
5. 机械工程学会高级会员
6. 摩擦学领域重要期刊编委,下列杂志审稿人:Tribology International; Friction; Wear; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; Tribology Transactions; Journal of Tribology; Journal of Engineering Tribology; International Journal of Engine Research等

1.  设计与制造II,hga010网页登录本科生必修课,64学时,4学分
2.  创新思维与现代设计,本科生通识教育核心课程,33学时,2学分


  1. 针对船用/车用发动机、风电轴承、压缩机、减速器等工程摩擦学系统,构建摩擦-动力学模型和分析方法

  2. 实现工程摩擦副的摩擦力、摩擦温升等摩擦学状态的实时在线测量及分析模型验证

  3. 基于摩擦学系统的多学科行为耦合演化分析,实现全生命周期性能设计


2022-2026  国家自然科学基金重点项目(52130502),基于跨尺度多学科演化建模的大缸径船用低速机拉缸机理研究,负责人

2022-2026  国家重点研发计划课题(2022YFB4201102),风电机组用滑动轴承设计制造与试验技术研究,负责人

2022-2025  船用发动机重大专项,船用低速机摩擦润滑技术研究,交大负责人

2024-2026  先进船舶发动机技术全国重点实验室项目,考虑热弹流的连杆大端轴承接触摩擦热计算及传递分析,负责人

2021-2023  科技部创新方法工作专项课题,正向创新设计流程方法研究,负责人

2021-2022  上海商用飞机系统工程科创中心联合研究基金项目,飞控系统设计方法研究,负责人

2020-2022  国防基础科研计划课题,非稳态建模及多学科耦合分析,负责人

2019-2022  国家自然科学基金面上项目(51875344),基于双粗糙面热弹塑性接触摩擦与局部润滑退化的低副抗胶合性能研究,负责人

2019-2021  上海航天科技创新基金,高精密作动问题研究,负责人

2018-2020  国防科工局-中国北方发动机研究所,发动机在线无线测量,负责人

2016-2019  国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向竞争性设计的知识服务方法与应用研究,第二负责人

2015-2020  工信部高技术船舶研究课题,低速双燃料机高强化指标下的摩擦与润滑技术研究,负责人

2014-2017  国家自然科学基金面上项目(51375300),内燃机活塞组-缸套系统多尺度混合润滑建模、磨损规律及性能退化机理研究,负责人

2011-2013  国家重点实验室课题,复杂机械系统全生命期性能的理论建模与实验研究,第二负责人

2010-2013  国家自然基金重点项目,机械系统集成设计中的知识流理论与建模,研究骨干

2009-2011  国家自然科学基金青年项目(50805091),基于多学科瞬态模型的内燃机时变性能预测和系统退化识别,负责人

2007-2008  中国博士后基金项目,基于多学科耦合模型的复杂装备产品瞬态行为预测,负责人

2023-2026  企业合作项目,转子压缩机润滑可靠性技术研究,负责人

2024-2025  企业合作项目,超大型底枢摩擦副研究,负责人

2024-2025  企业合作项目,动力转向油寿命预测模型研究,负责人

2024-2025  企业合作项目,冰压关键摩擦副润滑机理研究,负责人

2023-2024  企业合作项目,低粘度油可靠性仿真,负责人
2023-2024  企业合作项目,RV减速器可靠性提升,负责人
2022-2023  企业合作项目,电机滑动轴承润滑仿真,负责人
2022-2023  企业合作项目,运动件摩擦技术开发,负责人
2021-2023  企业合作项目,动力总成关键运动件低摩擦技术研究,负责人
2021-2022  企业合作项目,发动机摩擦力无线测量,负责人
2021-2022  企业合作项目,涡旋压缩机摩擦动力学分析软件开发,负责人
2020-2021  企业合作项目,航空发动机微动疲劳研究,负责人
2020-2021  企业合作项目,压缩机滑片及止推轴承分析改进与试验验证,负责人
2020-2021  企业合作项目,发动机混合润滑分析及结构匹配研究,负责人
2019-2020  企业合作项目,缸套-活塞环摩擦磨损试验,负责人
2018-2020  企业合作项目,滑动轴承及轴瓦材料应用技术研发,负责人
2017-2018  企业合作项目,含钼盐节能机油对减摩涂层材料性能影响的试验研究,负责人
2017-2020  企业合作项目,轴承摩擦学和设计技术,项目联系人、第二负责人
2016-2019  企业合作项目,活塞环-缸套摩擦学分析及低摩擦技术研究,负责人
2016-2018  企业合作项目,中低速柴油机活塞环组摩擦学数值模拟,负责人
2015-2016  企业合作项目,航天器运动件温度无线测量技术开发,负责人
2015-2016  企业合作项目,发动机关键摩擦副低摩擦技术研究,负责人
2015-2016  企业合作项目,摩擦副摩擦磨损试验及抗咬合性能评估,负责人
2015-2015  企业合作项目,连杆大头温度无线测量技术开发,负责人
2014-2017  企业合作项目,发动机低摩擦技术和摩擦学测量技术研发,负责人
2014-2016  企业合作项目,内燃机摩擦副活塞环-缸套关键技术研究,负责人
2011-2013  企业合作项目,汽车摩擦学新技术和关键零部件优化研究,项目联系人、第二负责人
2009-2012  企业合作项目,内燃机摩擦学技术开发与应用研究,项目联系人、第二负责人


[1] Bugao Lyu, Xianghui Meng, Jiabao Yin, Yi Cui, Chengen Wang. Scuffing failure analysis based on a multiphysics coupling model and experimental verification, Friction, 2024.
[2] Rui Li, Xianghui Meng, Guodong Li, Jing He, Yiming Xing, Yun Ke. A new tribo-dynamics modeling and online measurement method for crosshead bearings in marine engines, Applied Ocean Research, 2024, 144: 103912.
[3] Jiabao Yin, Rui Zhang, Bugao Lyu, Xianghui Meng. Temperature evolution prediction of engine big-end bearing by tribo-dynamics modeling and wireless measurement verification, Tribology International, 2024, 194: 109548.
[4] Jiabao Yin, Shuai Cheng, Congcong Fang, Xianghui Meng, Rui Zhang, Bugao Lyu. Tribo-dynamics analysis of engine small-end bearing under real temperature boundary conditions by a wireless in-situ measuring technology, Tribology International, 2024, 192: 109217.
[5] Congcong Fang, Yongdong Peng, Wei Zhou, Xianghui Meng. A fully coupled finite element solution for the mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication of finite line contacts, Tribology International, 2024, 194: 109530.
[6] Shuo Liu, Lining Gao, Mingcai Xing, Yi Cui, Xianghui Meng. A new 3-D multi-physics coupling model for lubricated piston-liner systems, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 272: 109194.
[7] Chunxing Gu, Xiaoli Sheng, Di Zhang, Xianghui Meng. Thermal mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication modeling and analysis of the lubricated non-conformal contacts with non-Gaussian surface roughness and coating, Tribology International, 2024, 194: 109541.
[8] Tang Yihu, Huang Li, Meng Xianghui. Study on the Influence of Non-Gaussian Honing Surface on Contact and Flow Characteristics, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2024, 76(1): 59-69.
[9] Lining Gao, Shuo Liu, Yan Fu, Zhaohui Xu, Yi Cui, Xianghui Meng. A new method to establish coupled multi-physics model of lubricated pin-hole oscillating pair, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 264: 108818.
[10] Jiabao Yin, Ruichao Liu, Rui Zhang, Buao Lyu, Xianghui Meng. A new tribo-dynamics model for engine connecting rod small-end bearing considering elastic deformation and thermal effects, Tribology International, 2023, 188: 108831.
[11] Kang Yan, Hulin Li, Jian Sun, Qi Xin, Ning Ding, Dan Jiang, Xianghui Meng. Optimization numerically for five-pad tilting-pad journal bearings design based on particle swarm, Tribology Transactions,  2023, Accepted, DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2023.2254348.
[12] Xiang Lan, Yahong Hu, Youbai Xie, Xianghui Meng, Yilun Zhang, Qiangang Pan, Yishen Ding. Innovation design oriented functional knowledge integration framework based on reinforcement learning, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023, 58: 102122.
[13] Congcong Fang, Yongdong Peng, Wei Zhou, Guangjun Gao, Xianghui Meng. Finite element modeling and simulation of mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication for the finite line contact under tilting loads, Tribology International, 2023, 186: 108660.
[14] Shuai Cheng, Licheng Zheng, Lingyu Shan, Zhiyuan Liu, Xianghui Meng. On the tribo-dynamics of motor rotor system considering lubrication and wear properties of porous bearings, Tribology International, 2023, 185: 108548.
[15] Xianghui Meng, Rui Li, Youbai Xie, Chuanjuan Wang. Simulation analysis and experimental verification of tribo-dynamics of reciprocating friction pairs in low-speed marine engines, Tribology Transactions, 2023, 66(3): 576–596.
[16] Fang Congcong, Jaafar Sulaiman, Zhou Wei, Yan Hongkai, Chen Jun, Meng Xianghui. Wheel-rail contact and friction models: a review of recent advances, Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2023, 237(10):1245–1259.
[17] Congcong Fang, Yongdong Peng, Yubin Guan, Wei Zhou, Guangjun Gao, Xianghui Meng. A new numerical method for the tribo-dynamic analysis of cylindrical roller bearings, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, 111: 11275–11295.
[18] Chengwei Wen, Xianghui Meng, Jiaming Gu, Lin Xiao, Shuang Jiang, Hanbing Bi. Starved lubrication analysis of angular contact ball bearing based on a multi-degree-of-freedom tribo-dynamic model, Friction, 2023, 11(8): 1395–1418.
[19] Zhan Liu#, Xin Ning#, Xianghui Meng, Qiucheng Liao, JintaoWang. Starved lubrication analysis for the top ring and cylinder liner of a two-stroke marine diesel engine considering the thermal effect of friction, International Journal of Engine Research, 2023, 24(2): 336–359.
[20] Shuai Cheng, Yuezhong Feng, Kuangguidong Wang, Xianghui Meng. A multi-DOF tribo-dynamics analysis of scroll compressor considering wear properties of Oldham’s ring, Tribology International, 2023, 179: 108125.
[21] Shuai Cheng, Yuezhong Feng, Kuangguidong Wang, Xianghui Meng. Tribo-dynamics modeling and analysis of key friction pairs in scroll compressor with floating fixed scroll design, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 16(1): 2270–2285.
[22] Bugao Lyu, Limin Zhang, Xianghui Meng, Chengen Wang. A boundary lubrication model and experimental study considering ZDDP tribofilms on reciprocating friction pairs, Tribology Letters, 2022, 70: 65.
[23] Zhan Liu, Xianghui Meng, Limin Zhang, Xing Wang, Weisheng Cheng. Study on the moving cross-hatched textures under starved lubrication based on parallel calculation, Lubrication Science, 2022; 34(7): 493-513.
[24] Zhan Liu, Xianghui Meng, Limin Zhang, Weisheng Cheng, Xing Wang. Study on the three-dimensional tribo-dynamic analysis of piston ring pack considering the influence of piston secondary motion, Journal of Tribology, 2022, 144: 111802.
[25] Rui Li, Chengwei Wen, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie. Measurement of the friction force of sliding friction pairs in low-speed marine diesel engines and comparison with numerical simulation, Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 121: 103089.
[26] Chunxing Gu, Di Zhang, Xiaohui Jiang, Xianghui Meng, Shuwen Wang, Pengfei Ju, Jingzhou Liu. Mixed EHL problems: an efficient solution to the fluid-solid coupling problem with consideration of elastic deformation and cavitation, Lubricants, 2022, 10: 311.
[27] Yan Kang, Li hulin, Ding Ning, Jiang Dan, Meng Xianghui. Transient mixed lubrication model numerically for friction and wear of journal bearings under heavy load during start-up, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2022, 74(10): 1174–1185.
[28] Fei Peng, Li Zheng, Yongdong Peng, Congcong Fang, Xianghui Meng. Digital Twin for rolling bearings: a review of current simulation and PHM techniques, Measurement, 2022, 201: 111728.
[29] Congcong Fang , Anyuan Zhu, Wei Zhou, Yongdong Peng, Xianghui Meng. On the Stiffness and Damping Characteristics of Line Contacts under Transient Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication. Lubricants, 2022, 10: 73.
[30] Shuai Cheng, Xianghui Meng, Rui Li, Ruichao Liu, Rui Zhang, Kai Sun, Wenxun Ye, Fagang Zhao. Rough surface damping contact model and its space mechanism application, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 214: 106899.
[31] Rui Zhang, Xianghui Meng, Kai Sun, Qi Li, Fagang Zhao. An investigation of high and room temperature fretting fatigue of DD6-FGH96 dovetail joint in aero-engine: Experimental and numerical analysis, International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 154: 106537.
[32] Bugao Lyu, Lilong Jing, Xianghui Meng, Ruichao Liu. Texture optimization and verification for the thrust bearing used in rotary compressors based on a transient tribo-dynamics model, Journal of Tribology, 2022, 144: 081801.
[33] Zhan Liu, Fuxiang Liang, Liming Zhai, Xianghui Meng. A comprehensive experimental study on tribological performance of piston ring-cylinder liner pair, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2022, 236(1): 184–204.
[34] Rui Li, Xianghui Meng, Jingjin Dong, Wenda Li. Transient tribo-dynamic analysis of crosshead slipper of low-speed marine diesel engines during engine start-up, Friction, 2021, 9(6): 1504–1527.
[35] Congcong Fang, Xianghui Meng, Wei Zhou, Hongchen Huang. On the tribo-dynamic interactions between piston skirt-liner system and pin assembly in a gasoline engine, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, 166: 104497.
[36] Rui Li, Xianghui Meng, Ruichao Liu, Rizwan Muhammad, Wenda Li, Jingjin Dong. Crosshead bearing analysis for low-speed marine diesel engines based on a multi-body tribo-dynamic model, International Journal of Engine Research, 2021, 22(8): 2442–2463.  
[37] Rui Li#, Lilong Jing#, Xianghui Meng, Zhan Liu, Rui Zhang. Numerical analysis of vane–slot friction pair in a rolling piston compressor considering deformation and groove design, Tribology International 2021, 162: 107124.
[38] Chengwei Wen, Xianghui Meng, Congcong Fang, Jiaming Gu, Lin Xiao,Shuang Jiang. Dynamic behaviors of high-speed angular contact ball bearing with a localized defect considering the influence of cage and oil lubrication, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, 162: 104352.
[39] Ruichao Liu#, Lilong Jing#, Xianghui Meng, Bugao Lyu. Mixed elastohydrodynamic analysis of a coupled journal-thrust bearing system in a rotary compressor under high ambient pressure, Tribology International, 2021, 159: 106943.
[40] Bugao Lyu, Xianghui Meng, Rui Zhang, Chengwei Wen. A deterministic contact evolution and scuffing failure analysis considering lubrication deterioration due to temperature rise under heavy loads, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 123: 105276.
[41] Chengwei Wen, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie, Ruichao Liu, Xiaoli Kong, Rui Li, Zhan Liu, Congcong Fang. Online measurement of piston-assembly friction with wireless IMEP method under fired conditions and comparison with numerical analysis, Measurement, 2021, 174: 109009.
[42] Rui Zhang, Xianghui Meng, Bugao Lyu, Kai Sun. A deterministic FE contact analysis of 3-D rough surfaces with textures and comparison with classic statistical contact models, Science China Technological Sciences, 2021, 64(2): 297-316.
[43] Qi Yan, Rui Li, Xianghui Meng. Tribo-Dynamic Analysis and Motion Control of a Rotating Manipulator Based on the Load and Temperature Dependent Friction Model, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2021, 235(7) 1335–1352.
[44] Chengwei Wen, Xianghui Meng, Bugao Lyu, Jiaming Gu, Lin Xiao. Influence of angular misalignment on the tribological performance of high-speed micro ball bearings considering full multibody interactions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2021, 235(6): 1168–1189.
[45] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Shuwen Wang, Xiaohong Ding. Study on the mutual influence of surface roughness and texture features of rough-textured surfaces on the tribological properties, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2021, 235(2): 256-273.
[46] Bugao Lyu, Xianghui Meng, Rui Zhang, Yi Cui. A comprehensive numerical study on friction reduction and wear resistance by surface coating on cam/tappet pairs under different conditions, Coatings 2020, 10, 485.
[47] Rui Li, Xianghui Meng, Wenda Li, Jingjin Dong. A new comprehensive tribo-dynamic analysis for lubricated translational joints in low-speed two-stroke marine engines, International Journal of Engine Research, 2020, 21(8): 1336–1361.
[48] Ruichao Liu, Xianghui Meng, Yi Cui. Influence of Numerous Start-ups and Stops on Tribological Performance Evolution of Engine Main Bearings, International Journal of Engine Research, 2020, 21(8): 1362–1380.
[49] Yi Wang, Limin Wu, Shuo Liu, Mei Li, Xianghui Meng, Yi Cui. Numerical Study on Fretting Wear of Mating Surface Between Piston Crown and Skirt in Heavy Duty Diesel Engine, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2019, 141(8): 081013.

[50] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Shuwen Wang, Xiaohong Ding. Modeling a hydrodynamic bearing with provision for misalignments and textures, Journal of Tribology, 2020, 142(4):041801-1-11.
[51] Zhan Liu, Xianghui Meng, Chengwei Wen, Suiran Yu, Zhong Zhou. On the oil-gas-solid mixed bearing between compression ring and cylinder liner under starved lubrication and high boundary pressures, Tribology International, 2019, 140: 105869.
[52] Rui Li, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie. A tribological analysis on stuffing box-piston rod system of low-speed marine diesel engines, International Journal of Engine Research, 2019, 20(8-9): 911-930.
[53] Congcong Fang, Xianghui Meng, Zhaijun Lu, Gang Wu, Dehua Tang, Bo Zhao. Modeling a lubricated full-floating pin bearing in planar multibody systems, Tribology International, 2019, 131: 222-237.
[54] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Shuwen Wang, Xiaohong Ding. Research on mixed lubrication problems of the non-Gaussian rough textured surface with the influence of stochastic roughness in consideration, Journal of Tribology, 2019, 141(12):121501-1-14.
[55] Congcong Fang, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie, Chengwei Wen, Ruichao Liu. An improved technique for measuring piston-assembly friction and its mutual validation with numerical simulations: under motored condition, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 115: 657–676.
[56] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Di Zhang. Analysis of the coated and textured ring/liner conjunction based on a thermal mixed lubrication model, Friction, 2018, 6(4): 420-431.
[57] Chengwei Wen, Xianghui Meng, Wenxiang Li. Numerical analysis of textured piston compression ring conjunction using two-dimensional- computational fluid dynamics and Reynolds methods, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018, 232(11): 1467-1485.
[58] Xianghui Meng , Changya Yu, Youbai Xie, Benfu Mei. Thermal insulation effect on EHL of coated cam/tappet contact during start up[J], Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2018, 70(6): 917-926.
[59] Xianghui Meng, Congcong Fang, Ke Niu. Tribological behavior anisotropy in sliding interaction of asperities on single-crystal α-iron: A quasi-continuum study, Tribology International, 2018, 118: 347-359.
[60] Ruichao Liu, Xianghui Meng, Peng Li. Transient tribodynamic analysis of crankshaft-main bearing system during engines starting up, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018, 232(5): 535–549.
[61] Yang Hu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie. A new efficient flow continuity lubrication model for the piston ring-pack with consideration of oil storage of the cross-hatched texture, Tribology International, 2018, 119: 443–463.
[62] Rui Li, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie. A new coupling tribodynamic model of crosshead slipper-guide system and piston skirt-liner system of low-speed marine diesel engines, Tribology International, 2018, 117: 189-205.
[63] Xianghui Meng, Chunxing Gu, Zhang Di. Modeling the wear process of the ring/liner conjunction considering the evaluation of asperity height distribution, Tribology International, 2017, 112: 20-32.
[64] Xianghui Meng, Chunxing Gu, Youbai Xie. Elasto-plastic contact of rough surfaces: a mixed-lubrication model for the textured surface analysis [J], Meccanica, 2017, 52(7): 1541-1559.
[65] Yang Hu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie. A computationally efficient mass-conservation-based, two-scale approach to modeling cylinder liner topography changes during running-in, Wear, 2017, 386–387 : 139–156.
[66] Yang Hu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie, Jiazheng Fan. Mutual influence of plateau roughness and groove texture of honed surface on frictional performance of piston ring–liner system[J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231(7): 838-859.
[67] Yang Hu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie, Jiazheng Fan. Study on the frictional performance of slide and plateau honed cylinder liners during running-in[J], Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2017, 69, 2: 282-299.
[68] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Di Zhang, Youbai Xie. Transient analysis of the textured journal bearing operating with the piezoviscous and shear-thinning fluids [J], Journal of Tribology, 2017, 139(5): 051708-1-20.
[69] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie. A Universal Model for Both Flooded and Starved Lubrication Regimes and Its Application in Ring–Liner System[J], Tribology Transactions, 2017, 60(3): 506-515.  
[70] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie, Kong Xiaoli. Performance of Surface Texturing During Start-Up Under Starved and Mixed Lubrication[J], Journal of Tribology, 2017, 139(1): 011702-1-12.
[71] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Di Zhang, Youbai Xie. A transient analysis of the textured journal bearing considering micro and macro cavitation during an engine cycle [J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231(10): 1289-1306.
[72] Chunxing Gu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie, Di Zhang. The influence of surface texturing on the transition of the lubrication regimes between a piston ring and a cylinder liner[J], International Journal of Engine Research, 2017, 18(8): 785–796.
[73] Congcong Fang, Xianghui Meng, Xiaoli Kong, Bo Zhao, Hongchen Huang. Transient tribo-dynamics analysis and friction loss evaluation of piston during cold- and warm-start of a SI engine, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 133: 767–787.
[74] Congcong Fang, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie, A piston tribodynamic model with deterministic consideration of skirt surface grooves, Tribology International, 2017, 110: 232–251.
[75] Changya Yu, Xianghui Meng, Youbai Xie. Numerical simulation of the effects of coating on thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication in cam/tappet contact[J], Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231(2) 221–239.
[76] Xianghui Meng, Congcong Fang, Youbai Xie. Transient tribodynamic model of piston skirt-liner systems with variable speed effects[J], Tribology International, 2016, 94: 640–651.
[77] Xianghui Meng, Chunxing Gu, Youbai Xie, Wenxiang Li. A two-dimensional starved lubrication analysis method for textured surfaces[J], International Journal of Engine Research, 2016, 17(10): 1062–1076.
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