








2009-2016    上海交通大学       机械工程     工学博士  
2005-2009    天津大学   机械设计制造及其自动化   工学学士


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2025-2028  “叶企孙”科学基金重点项目    一体式再生燃料电池XXX   课题负责人

2024-2026  吉林省重点专项课题    燃料电池堆仿真与验证关键技术研究    负责人

2024-2025  上海商用飞机系统工程科创中心联合基金重点项目   负责人

2023-2026 国家重点研发计划课题   单电池全尺寸结构及伏安性能设计仿真模块开发   负责人
2021-2024 国家自然基金面上项目  燃料电池层叠装配的气体扩散层细观接触行为及调控机制   负责人
2021-2024 广州市重点研发计划课题  基于金属双极板的燃料电池电堆开发及验证    负责人
2018-2020  国家自然基金青年项目   燃料电池质子交换膜机械失效机理与预测模型  负责人
2020-2023  上海市自然基金     燃料电池运行工况下质子交换膜细观损伤行为及失效预测模型  负责人
2017-2021  国家重点研发计划子课题  金属双极板制备技术及表面镀层开发   负责人
2017-2020 上海汽车工业科技发展基金    燃料电池金属双极板镀层失效分析与工艺优化 负责人
2020-2023  企业合作项目      燃料电池金属极板开发基础研究   负责人
2020-2021  机械系统与振动国家重点实验室自主课题    负责人
2018-2021 上海交通大学新进教师启动计划项目      负责人
2018-2019  博士后基金特别资助     负责人
2017-2018  博士后基金面上项目    负责人

2014-2017 上海科技创新行动计划  “超薄燃料电池金属极板研究与开发”  参与
2014-2016  国家自然科学基金青年项目 “燃料电池金属气体扩散层结构的力学行为建模及成形成性工艺” 参与
2013-2015  国家863项目子课题 “燃料电池低成本膜电极组件/双极板及电堆制备技术研究”  参与
2014-2015  上海汽车工业(集团)总公司,“燃料电池用金属双极板开发”  参与
2013-2016  国家自然科学基金面上项目  “电致塑性辅助微细模压成形介观尺度效应机理与工艺研究 ”  参与



Ye, L., Qiu, D., Ni, M., Peng, L., 2024. Insight into the mechanisms and in-plane reaction heterogeneity of the dynamic response of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Chem Eng J 498, 155772.

Song, S., Qiu, D., Xu, Z., Yi, P., Peng, L., 2024. Insight into the crack evolution and mechanism of catalyst-coated membrane undergoing freeze–thaw cycling in fuel cells. Eng Fract Mech 309, 110405.

Liu, Y., Diankai, Q., Xu, Z., Yi, P., Peng, L., 2024. Comprehensive Analysis of the Gradient Porous Transport Layer for the Proton-Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer. Acs Appl Mater Interfaces.

Li, P.a., Zhou, Z., Qiu, D., Peng, L., 2024. Insight into Oxygen Transport in Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers by In Situ X-Ray Characterization. Advanced Science n/a, 2405658.

Ye, L., Qiu, D., Peng, L., Lai, X., 2024. Conduction mechanism analysis and modeling of different gas diffusion layers for PEMFC to improve their bulk conductivities via microstructure design. Appl Energ 362, 122987.

Wang, Z., Qiu, D., Peng, L., Lai, X., 2024. Study on assembly error effect on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell considering membrane electrode assembly deformation. J Power Sources 610, 234746.

Liao, S., Qiu, D., Yi, P., Peng, L., 2024. Optimization design of assembly sequence for the proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks with dimensional errors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 09544054241290929.


D. Qiu, X. Zhou, M. Chen, Z. Xu, L. Peng. Optimization of control strategy for air-cooled PEMFC based on in-situ observation of internal reaction state. Appl Energ. 350 (2023) 121752.
Z. Zhou, L. Ye, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. Experimental investigation and decoupling of voltage losses distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with a large active area. Chem Eng J. 452 (2023) 139497.
X. Zhou, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. Modeling the viscoelastic-viscoplastic behavior of glassy polymer membrane with consideration of non-uniform sub-chains in entangled networks. Int J Solids Struct. 282 (2023) 112469.
X. Zhou, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. Numerical and experimental characterization of gas permeation through membranes with consideration of mechanical degradation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. J Power Sources. 556 (2023) 232489.
Z. Xu, D. Qiu, M.M. Shahzamanian, Z. Zhou, D. Mei, L. Peng. An improved springback model considering the transverse stress in microforming. Int J Mech Sci. 241 (2023) 107947.
W. Liu, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. Study on the nonuniform mechanical degradation of membranes considering temperature and relative humidity distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Fuel Cells. 23 (2023) 170-80.


D. Qiu, P. Liang, X. Zhao, Y. Wang, L. Peng, X. Lai. An analytical model for gas leakage through contact interface in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Int J Hydrogen Energ. 47 (2022) 32273-86.
L. Ye, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. Microstructures and electrical conductivity properties of compressed gas diffusion layers using X-ray tomography. Appl Energ. 326 (2022) 119934.
Y. Wan, D. Qiu, P. Yi, L. Peng, X. Lai. Design and optimization of gradient wettability pore structure of adaptive PEM fuel cell cathode catalyst layer. Appl Energ. 312 (2022) 118723.
Z. Zhou, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. Channel/rib patterns optimization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell by combining down-the-channel performance model and genetic algorithm. Int J Heat Mass Tran. 183 (2022) 122235.
P.a. Li, D. Qiu, L. Peng, S. Shen, X. Lai. Analysis of degradation mechanism in unitized regenerative fuel cell under the cyclic operation. Energ Convers Manag. 254 (2022) 115210.
P.a. Li, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. kW-grade unitized regenerative fuel cell stack design for high round-trip efficiencies. Energ Convers Manag. 270 (2022) 116277.
S. Liao, D. Qiu, P. Yi, L. Peng, X. Lai. Modeling of a novel cathode flow field design with optimized sub-channels to improve drainage for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Energy. 261 (2022) 125235.
F. Huang, D. Qiu, L. Peng, X. Lai. Optimization of entrance geometry and analysis of fluid distribution in manifold for high-power proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks. Int J Hydrogen Energ. 47 (2022) 22180-91.
Z. Zhang, M. Guo, Z. Yu, S. Yao, J. Wang, D. Qiu, et al. A novel cooperative design with optimized flow field on bipolar plates and hybrid wettability gas diffusion layer for proton exchange membrane unitized regenerative fuel cell. Energy. 239 (2022) 122375.


D. Qiu, L. Peng, P. Yi, W. Lehnert, X. Lai, Review on proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack assembly: Quality evaluation, assembly method, contact behavior and process design, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 152 (2021) 111660.
Z. Zhou, D. Qiu*, L. Peng, X. Lai, Channel/rib patterns optimization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell by combining down-the-channel performance model and genetic algorithm, Int J Heat Mass Tran, 183 (2022) 122235.
F. Huang, D. Qiu, Z. Xu, L. Peng, X. Lai, Analysis and improvement of flow distribution in manifold for proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks, Energy, 226 (2021) 120427.
P.a. Li, D. Qiu, L. Peng, S. Shen, X. Lai, Analysis of degradation mechanism in unitized regenerative fuel cell under the cyclic operation, Energ Convers Manag, 254 (2022) 115210.
W. Yue, D. Qiu, P. Yi, L. Peng, X. Lai, Study on the degradation mechanism of the frame for membrane electrode assembly in proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Int J Hydrogen Energ, 46 (2021) 36954-36968.
L. Peng, Y. Wan, D. Qiu, P. Yi, X. Lai, Dimensional tolerance analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cells with metallic bipolar plates, J Power Sources, 481 (2021) 228927.
Z. Zhang, M. Guo, Z. Yu, S. Yao, J. Wang, D. Qiu*, L. Peng, A novel cooperative design with optimized flow field on bipolar plates and hybrid wettability gas diffusion layer for proton exchange membrane unitized regenerative fuel cell, Energy, 239 (2022) 122375.


Qiu D, Peng L, Tang J, Lai X. Numerical analysis of air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cells with various cathode flow channels. Energy. 2020;198:117334.
Qiu D, Liang P, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X, Ni J. Material behavior of rubber sealing for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Int J Hydrogen Energ. 2020;45(8):5465-73.
Peng L, Shao H, Qiu D, Yi P, Lai X. Investigation of the non-uniform distribution of current density in commercial-size proton exchange membrane fuel cells. J Power Sources. 2020;453:227836.
Huang F, Qiu D, Lan S, Yi P, Peng L. Performance evaluation of commercial-size proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks considering air flow distribution in the manifold. Energ Convers Manag. 2020;203:112256.
Zhou Z, Qiu D, Zhai S, Peng L, Lai X. Investigation of the assembly for high-power proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks through an efficient equivalent model. Appl Energ. 2020;277:115532.
Liu W, Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X. Mechanical degradation of proton exchange membrane during assembly and running processes in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with metallic bipolar plates. Int J Energ Res. 2020;44:8622-34.
Xu Z, Qiu D, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X. Towards mass applications: A review on the challenges and developments in metallic bipolar plates for PEMFC. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2020.


Qiu D, Peng L, Lai X, Ni M, Lehnert W, Mechanical failure and mitigation strategies for the membrane in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019; 113:109289.
Shao H, Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X, In-situ measurement of temperature and humidity distribution in gas channels for commercial-size proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Journal Of Power Sources, 2019; 412:717-724.
Shao H, Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X, Modeling and analysis of water droplet dynamics in the dead-ended anode gas channel for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Renewable Energy, 2019; 138:842-851.
Xu Y, Qiu D, Yi P, Lan S, Peng L, An integrated model of the water transport in nonuniform compressed gas diffusion layers for PEMFC, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 2019; 44:13777-13785.
Irmscher P, Qiu D, Janßen H, Lehnert W, Stolten D, Impact of gas diffusion layer mechanics on PEM fuel cell performance, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 2019; 44:23406-23415.


Qiu D*, Janßen H, Peng L, Irmscher P, Lai X, Lehnert W, Electrical resistance and microstructure of typical gas diffusion layers for proton exchange membrane fuel cell under compression, Applied Energy, 2018; 231:127-137.
Qiu D, Peng L*, Liang P, Yi P, Lai X, Mechanical degradation of proton exchange membrane along the MEA frame in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Energy, 2018; 165:210-222.
Qiu D, Peng L*, Yi P, Lai X, Lehnert W, Flow channel design for metallic bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Experiments, Energy Conversion And Management, 2018; 174:814-823.
Liang P, Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X*, Ni J, Contact resistance prediction of proton exchange membrane fuel cell considering fabrication characteristics of metallic bipolar plates, Energy Conversion And Management, 2018; 169:334-344.


Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X*, A micro contact model for electrical contact resistance prediction between roughness surface and carbon fiber paper, International Journal Of Mechanical Sciences, 2017; 124–125:37-47.
Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X*, Janßen H, Lehnert W, Contact behavior modelling and its size effect on proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Journal Of Power Sources, 2017; 365:190-200.

Qiu D, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X*, Channel Dimensional Error Effect of Stamped Bipolar Plates on the Characteristics of Gas Diffusion Layer Contact Pressure for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks, ASME-Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2015; 12:041002.
Qiu D, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X*, Assembly design of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack with stamped metallic bipolar plates, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 2015; 40:11559-11568.
Qiu D, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X*, Study on shape error effect of metallic bipolar plate on the GDL contact pressure distribution in proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 2013; 38:6762-6772.
Peng L, Qiu D, Yi P, Lai X*, An Analytical Model for Contact Pressure Prediction Considering Dimensional Error of Stamped Bipolar Plate and Gas Diffusion Layer in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Assembly, ASME-Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 2016; 13:021007.
Liang P, Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X*, Ni J, Structure failure of the sealing in the assembly process for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 2017; 42:10217-10227.


Qiu D, Peng L, Yi P, Lai X, Janßen H, Lehnert W, Multiscale Numerical Model for Contact Resistance Prediction in the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, ECS Transactions, 2017; 80:73-85.
Qiu D, Yi P, Peng L, Lai X,  An Assembly Model for PEM Fuel Cell with Consideration of Size Error Effect of Bipolar Plate. 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC 2014, Gwangju City,Korea,2014.06.16-06.21.
Philipp Irmscher, Diankai Qiu, Holger Janßen, Werner Lehnert, Detlef Stolten, Impact of Gas Diffusion Layer Mechanics on PEM Fuel Cell Performance, ECS conference paper.
Huang F, Qiu D, Peng L, Lai X. Entrance Effects on the Flow Distribution in Manifold of Commercial-Size Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks. ECS Transactions. 2019;92(8):375-85.


燃料电池电堆的自动化装配装置,授权专利号:ZL 201110065618.2
用于燃料电池的金属气体扩散层及其制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201010605127.8
一种双向可逆燃料电池系统,  授权专利号:ZL  201710631167.1
一种可逆燃料电池阴极流场结构及可逆燃料电池,  授权专利号:ZL201710712660.6
高深宽比金属薄板微细结构的加工装置及方法,  授权专利号: ZL201611091387.1
用于制备燃料电池金属双极板非晶碳膜磁控溅射连续线,  授权专利号: ZL201610984083.1
一种温湿度均匀性增强的燃料电池单电池及电堆,  授权专利号: ZL201710741058.5
一种燃料电池金属双极板高效环形真空镀膜装置,  授权专利号:  ZL201710660443.7

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