








2006 - 2009 上海交通大学hga010网页登录博士
2003 - 2006 上海大学机电工程与自动化学院硕士
1999 - 2003 郑州轻工业大学机电工程学院学士


2022 - 至今 上海交通大学hga010网页登录 教授、博士生导师
2015 - 2021 上海交通大学hga010网页登录 副研究员、博士生导师
2011 - 2014 上海交通大学hga010网页登录 助理研究员
2009 - 2011 上海交通大学hga010网页登录 师资博士后




1. 中国机械工程学院金刚石及制品分会副主任委员;
2. 国际磨粒技术委员会青年委员;
3. 中国机械工程学会成组与智能集成技术分会常务委员;
4. 高端数控机床创新联盟专家工作组青年专家;
5. 腐蚀与防护技术专委会委员;
6. 中国机械工程学会高级会员;
7. 《机械科学与技术》编委
8. 《Friction》青年编委
9. 《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering》青年编委

2) 课程名称:机械零件;授课对象:本科生;学时数:48;学分:3学分;
3) 课程名称:弹塑性力学;授课对象:研究生;学时数:48;学分:3学分;


2024 - 2027 国家自然科学基金面上项目,”基于脉冲电流辅助微锻的航发整体叶盘表面强化与光整一体化制造“,负责人;
2023 - 2025 科技部重大专项课题“航发燃烧室环形薄壁件混线制造理论研究“,负责人
2021 - 2023 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,”切削刀具表面高性能涂层“,负责人
2018 - 2020 工信部04专项(子课题)“运载火箭国产五轴数控机床和数控系统规模和示范应用”,负责人;
2018 - 2020 上海航天科技创新基金“基于大数据挖掘与机器学习的加工参数自主优化技术”,负责人;
2018 - 2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51775340)“液态金属催化石墨烯纳米墙生长机理及其在CFRP装配制孔中的磨损机制研究”,负责人;
2016 - 2019 工信部高技术船舶科研专项(子课题)(No.CDGC01-KT0505)“船用低速机典型样机商品化关键技术研究”,负责人;
2017 - 2019 工信部智能制造新模式项目(子课题)"大功率船用柴油机关重件智能制造新模式应用",负责人;
2017 - 2018 上海市工业互联网创新发展专项(子课题)(No.2017-GYHLW-01002)“基于机加工企业互联的网络化协同平台及创新应用”,负责人;
2017 - 2018 航天八院-上海交通大学联合基金项目(No.USCAST2016-12)“航天铝合金结构件加工表面防腐蚀与冷却液循环利用技术研究”,负责人;
2016 - 2018 上海市浦江人才计划(D类)(No.16PJ025)“航天飞行器典型结构紧固面微动损伤机理与防护技术研究”,负责人;
2016 - 2019 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51575340)“航天器关键连接件微动损伤机理与防护研究”,第二负责人;
2014 - 2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51375011)“纳米金刚石涂层微铣钻刀具制备新方法及应用基础研究”,负责人;
2015 - 2016 上海市教委产学研项目(助推计划类)(No. 15cxy49),负责人 ;
2012 - 2015 工信部04专项子课题(No. 2012ZX04003-031)“航空航天用复合材料系列化刀具开发”,第二负责人;
2013 - 2015 科技部863项目子课题(No.2013AA040104)“复合材料/合金叠层构件高效精密制孔工艺及装备”,第二负责人;
2010 - 2013 国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目)(No. 51005154)“水润滑条件下CVD金刚石薄膜摩擦学性能及其工具应用研究”,负责人
2012 - 2014 上海市“晨光计划”项目(No. 12CG11)“微/纳米金刚石多层复合膜 摩擦学性能及其工具应用研究”,负责人
2011 - 2014 中国博士后科学基金第四批特别资助(No.201104271)“基于多层膜结构的金刚石/类金刚石复合薄膜水润滑摩擦学性能及应用研究”,负责人
2011 - 2013 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(第47批一等资助)(No. 20100470029)“CVD金刚石薄膜水润滑摩擦学性能及应用研究
2011 - 2014 上海交通大学“新进青年教师启动计划“新型硅掺杂CVD金刚石薄膜水润滑摩擦学性能及其工具应用研究”,负责人

2016 - 2017 企业合作项目“加工中心加工数据集成式管理研究”,负责人
2016 企业合作项目“刀具状态在线监测与工艺数据库开发(一期)”,负责人
2014 - 2016 企业合作项目“碳纤维复合材料加工用金刚石涂层刀具制备技术”, 负责人;
2013 企业合作项目“超硬涂层微细钻针的制备与开发”, 负责人;
2013 - 2015 企业合作项目“高速列车车体加工刀具失效分析及改良研究”, 负责人;
2013 - 2014 企业合作项目“金刚石涂层刀具沉积设备的研制及应用技术”, 负责人;
2010 - 2012 企业合作项目“汽车中央电器可靠性的有限元模拟仿真项目”,负责人;
2012 - 2013 企业合作项目“复杂形状整体式CVD金刚石涂层刀具的开发及应用”,负责人;


1. Lin, Q., Chen, S., Ji, Z., Shen, B.  Covalent graphene-diamond heterostructure coating on tool surface with enhanced lubricity and anti-wear performance. Carbon, 2024, 217, 118648.

1. Chen, S., Lin, Q., Ji, Z., Sun, Z., Shen, B. Ultrahigh mechanical robustness of vertical graphene sheets covalently bonded to diamond. Carbon, 2023, 201, 390-398.
2. Liu, Q., Chen, S., Xu, X., Jin, S., Li, Y., Wang, Y., Shen, B. Multi-objective optimization of the subsurface residual stress field of TC4 alloy in machine hammer peening. Jounal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 104, 98-107.
3. Liu, Q., Jin S., Shen, B. Precisely tuning the residual stress anisotropy in machine hammer peening. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 127(9): 4577-89.

1. Lin, Q., Chen, S., Ji, Z., Huang, Z., Zhang, Z., Shen, B.  High-temperature wear mechanism of diamond at the nanoscale: A reactive molecular dynamics study. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 585, 152614.
2. Lin, Q., Chen, S., Ji, Z., Huang, Z., Zhang, Z., Shen, B. Atomic-scale interfacial diffusion of diamond into titanium: Phase transition and layer dependence. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2022, 31, 101993.
3. Shen, B., Ji, Z., Lin, Q., Gong, P., Xuan, N., Chen, S., Liu, H., Huang, Z., Xiao T., Sun Z. Graphenization of diamond. Chemistry of Materials, 2022, 34, 9, 3941-3947.
4. Huang, Z., Chen, S., Lin, Q., Ji, Z., Gong, P., Sun, Z., Shen, B. The mechanisms of friction enhancements on graphene surfaces with folds: The reinforcement of atomic pinning or attraction. Tribology International, 2022, 165, 107297.
5. Huang, Z., Chen, S., Lin, Q., Shen, B.  Improved anticorrosive and tribological performance of Ti-6Al-4V alloys via a mussel-inspired graphene/phenol-formaldehyde resin nanocomposite coating. Progress in Organic Coatings, 173, 2022, 107142.
6. Jin, S., Liu, Q., Zhu, Y., Shen, B.  Surface smoothening and strengthening combined effect of mechanical hammer peening on inconel 718 superalloy. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 38(10):1331-1337.
7. Chen, S., Hong, H., Shen, B.  Substrate‐dependent enhancement of the durability of EPD graphene coating as a macroscale solid lubricant. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2022, 54(9): 978-985.

1. Lin, Q., Chen, S., Ji, Z., Huang, Z., Zhang, Z., Shen, B.  A novel growth model for depositing ultrananocrystalline diamond films in CH4/H2 chemistry. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 419, 127280.
2. Lin, Q., Chen, S., Ji, Z., Huang, Z., Zhang, Z., Shen, B.  High-temperature wear behavior of micro- and ultrananocrystalline diamond films against titanium alloy. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 422, 127537.
14. Ji, Z., Lin, Q., Huang, Z., Chen, S., Gong, P., Sun, Z., Shen, B.  Enhanced lubricity of CVD diamond films by in-situ synthetization of top-layered graphene sheets. Carbon, 2021, 184, 680-688.
3. Ji, Z., Lin, Q., Huang, Z., Chen, S., Gong, P., Sun, Z., Shen, B.  Strain-induced nonlinear frictional behavior of graphene nanowall films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 43, 51608-51617.
4. Huang, Z., Chen, S., Lin, Q., Ji, Z., Gong, P., Sun, Z., and Shen, B.  Microscopic mechanisms behind the high friction and failure initiation of graphene wrinkles. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 22, 6776-6782.
5. Chen, S., Shen, B. , Huang, Z., Ji, Z., Lin, Q., Zhang, Z., Controlled friction on graphene via substrate deformation induced atomic pinning effect. Computational Materials Science, 2021, 190, 110315.
6. Gui, Y., Liu, Q., Zhu, Y., Chen, S., Shen, B. Performance analysis and application on Ti-6Al-4V of micro-forging system, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2021, 34, 6:188-198.

1. Zhewei Huang, Qiang Lin, Zhe Ji, Sulin Chen, and Bin Shen*, The Interior Failure of Single-layer Graphene Activated by the Nanosized Asperity on the Substrate Surface,Advanced Materials Interfaces,In Press. https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202000281
2. Qiang Lin, Sulin Chen, Zhe Ji, Zhewei Huang, Zhinan Zhang, Bin Shen*, Deposition of mirror-like surface finish ultrananocrystalline diamond films on tungsten carbide by optimizing the substrate pretreatment, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125885
3. Shen, B.*, Gui, Y., Chen, B. et al. Application of spindle power signals in tool condition monitoring based on HHT algorithm. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, volume 106, pages 1385–1395 (2020).
4. Anbo Cao, Bin Shen*, Qiang Lin, Sulin Chen, Zhewei Huang, Zhe Ji, Zhinan Zhang, Influence of Stone-Wales defect on graphene friction: Pinning effect and wrinkle modification, Computational Materials Science, 2020, Volume 173, 109423
5. Bin Shen, Sulin Chen*, Zhewei Huang, Zhe Ji, Qiang Lin, Zhinan Zhang, Elucidating the atomic mechanism of the lubricity of graphene on the diamond substrate. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 504, 144372.
6. Qiang Lin, Sulin Chen, Bin Shen & Fanghong Sun (2020) CVD diamond coated drawing dies: a review, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2020.1832689

1. Bin Shen*, Qiang Lin, Sulin Chen, Zhe Ji, Zhewei Huang, Zhinan Zhang, High-rate synthesis of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond in an argon-free hot filament chemical vapor deposition atmosphere for tribological films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019, 378, 124999.
2. Bin Shen∗, Zhewei Huang, Zhe Ji, Qiang Lin, Sulin Chen, Danjie Cui, Zhinan Zhang, Bilayer Graphene Film Synthesized by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition as a Nanoscale Solid Lubricant, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019, 380, 125061(1-7).
3. Bin Shen*,Qiang Lin, Sulin Chen, Zhewei Huang, Zhe Ji, Anbo Cao, and Zhinan Zhang Double-Vacancy Controlled Friction on Graphene: The Enhancement of Atomic Pinning, Langmuir, 2019, 35, 12898−12907.
4. Sulin Chen#, Bin Shen#*, Fan Zhang*,Hong Hong, and Jinshan Pan, Mussel-inspired Graphene Film with Enhanced Durability as a Macroscale Solid Lubricant, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, doi:10.1021/acsami.9b10404.
5. Bin Shen*, Hong Hong, Sulin Chen, Xi Chen, Zhinan Zhang, Cathodic electrophoretic deposition of magnesium nitrate modified graphene coating as a macro-scale solid lubricant. Carbon, 2019, 145: 297-310.

1. Bin SHEN*, Su-lin CHEN, Fang-hong SUN, Effect of deposition temperature on properties of boron-doped diamond films on tungsten carbide substrate. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018, 28(4): 729-738.

2. Shen, B.*, S. Chen, Y. Chen,F. Sun, Enhancement on the tribological performance of diamond films by utilizing graphene coating as a solid lubricant. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017. 311: p. 35-45.
3. Chen, S., B. Shen*, F. Sun, The influence of normal load on the tribological performance of electrophoretic deposition prepared graphene coating on micro-crystalline diamond surface. Diamond and Related Materials, 2017. 76: p. 50-57.
4. Chen, S., B. Shen*, Y. Chen, F. Sun, Synergistic friction-reducing and anti-wear behaviors of graphene with micro- and nano-crystalline diamond films. Diamond and Related Materials, 2017. 73: p. 25-32.

1. Sulin Chen, Bin Shen*, Fanghong Sun, Zhiming Zhang, Songshou Guo, Tribological behaviors of diamond films and their applications in metal drawing production in water-lubricating condition, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2016. 230: p.656-666.1.

1. Bin Shen*, Bo Song, Lei Cheng, Xuelin Lei, Fanghong Sun, Optimization on the HFCVD setup for the mass-production of diamond-coated micro-tools based on the FVM temperature simulation[J], Surface & Coatings Technology, 2014, 253: 123-131.
2. Bin Shen*, Sulin Chen, Fanghong Sun, Investigation on the long-duration tribological performance of bilayered diamond/diamond-like carbon films[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Engineering Tribology, 2014, 228:628-641.
3. Bin Shen*; Lei Cheng; Fanghong Sun, The effect of the gas outlet on the gas velocity field in mass-production of HFCVD diamond-coated drills[J]. Surface Review and Letters, 2014, 21(4): 1450051 (15 pages).
4. Bin Shen*, Sulin Chen, Lei Cheng, Fanghong Sun, The effect of the gas inlet on the fluid field during fabricating HFCVD diamond-coated cutting tools[J]. Surface Review and Letters, 2014, 21(5): 1450068 (15 pages).
5. Bin Shen*, Sulin Chen, Lei Cheng, Fanghong Sun, The effect of the double-deck filament setup on enhancing the uniformity of temperature field on long-flute cutting tools[J], Surface Review and Letters, 2014, 21(6): 1450078 (15 pages).
6. X. Lei, B. Shen*, S. Chen, L. Wang and F. Sun, Tribological behavior between micro-and nano-crystalline diamond films under dry sliding and water lubrication, Tribology International, 2014,69: 118-127.
7. X. Lei, B. Shen*, L. Cheng, F. Sun and M. Chen, Influence of pretreatment and deposition parameters on the properties and cutting performance of NCD coated PCB micro drills, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2014,43: 30-41.
8. Naichao Chen, Bin Shen, Guodong Yang, Fanghong Sun,Tribological and cutting behavior of silicon nitride tools coated with monolayer- and multilayer-microcrystalline HFCVD diamond films, Applied Surface Science,2013, 265: 850– 859.
9. Chen Sulin, Shen Bin, Zhang Jianguo, Wang Liang, Sun Fanghong. Evaluation on the residual stresses of silicon-doped CVD diamond films using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012,22: 3021−3026.
10. Shen Bin, Sun Fanghong, Zhang Zhiming, Shen Hesheng, Guo Songsou. Application of Ultra-smooth Composite Diamond Film coated WC-Co Drawing Dies in Water-lubricating Conditions. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2013,23: 161−169.
11. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Deposition and friction properties of ultra-smooth composite diamond films on Co-cemented tungsten carbide substrates, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol.18(2-3), 238-243 (2009).
12. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Molecular Dynamics Investigation on the Atomic-scale Indentation and Friction Behaviors between Diamond Tips and Copper Substrate, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol.19(7-9), 723-728 (2010).
13. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Molecular dynamics investigation on the atomic-scale friction behaviors between copper(001) and diamond(111) surfaces, Applied Surface Science, Vol.255(17), 7663-7668(2009).
14. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Hongguo Xue, Ming Chen and Zhiming Zhang, Study on fabrication and cutting performance of high quality diamond coated PCB milling tools with complicated geometries, Surface Engineering, Vol.25(1), 70-76(7) (2009).
15. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Friction Behavior of HFCVD diamond films on WC-Co Substrates under Ambient Air and Water Lubricating Conditions, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.22(5), 665-671(2009).
16. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Effect of Surface Morphology on the frictional behavior of HF-CVD diamond films, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol.223(7), 1049-1058 (2009).
17. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun and Zhiming Zhang, Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Investigation on the Tribological Properties of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 9(2), 788-792 (2009).
18. Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Molecular Dynamics Investigations on the Atomic-scale Frictional Behavior of Diamond Films, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol.5(8), 1556-1559 (2008).
19. Dongcan Zhang, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Study on tribological behavior and cutting performance of CVD diamond and DLC films on Co-cemented tungsten carbide substrates, Applied Surface Science, Vol.256(8), 2479-2489(2010).
20. T. Zhang, J.G. Zhang, B. Shen and F.H. Sun, Simulation of temperature and gas density field distribution in diamond films growth on silicon wafer by hot filament CVD, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.343(1), 55-61(2012).
21. Fanghong Sun, Yuping Ma, Bin Shen, Zhiming Zhang and Ming Chen, Fabrication and application of nano-microcrystalline composite diamond films on the interior-hole surfaces of Co cemented tungsten carbide substrates, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol.18(2-3), 276-282 (2009).
22. 沈彬,孙方宏,张志明,CVD金刚石薄膜在水润滑条件下的摩擦磨损性能研究,摩擦学学报,Vol.28(1), 112-117 (2008).
23. 沈彬,孙方宏,薛宏国,陈明,张志明,高性能复杂形状金刚石薄膜涂层刀具的制备与切削性能研究,中国机械工程,Vol.19(19), 2287-2291 (2008).
24. 沈彬,孙方宏,张志明,沈荷生,郭松寿,CVD金刚石薄膜涂层整体式刀具的制备与应用,金刚石与磨料磨具工程, Vol.30(1), 1-5(2011).


1、刀具表面掺硼金刚石复合涂层制备装置(ZL 2009 1 0311897.9),第一发明人;
2、复杂形状CVD金刚石/类金刚石复合涂层刀具制备方法(ZL 2012 1 0124337.4),第一发明人;
3、基于水润滑拉拔的多道次金属拉拔装置(ZL 2013 1 0228889.4),第一发明人;

2023年 第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“揭榜挂帅”专项赛特等奖(擂主)(项目指导老师)
2023年 上海交通大学“凯原十佳教师奖”
2022年 中国船舶集团科技进步奖二等奖(排2)
2020年 国家优秀青年基金
2019年 上海交大SMC-晨星优秀青年教师(A类)
2017年 国家科学技术进步二等奖(排名第四)
2016年 上海交大SMC-晨星优秀青年教师(B类)
2016年 上海市浦江人才计划(D类)
2014年 中国机械工业科学技术奖(技术发明奖)一等奖(排名第四)
2012年 上海市“晨光学者”人才奖励计划
2012年 2011年度上海市研究生优秀成果(博士学位论文)
2011年 机械工程学会首届上银优秀机械博士论文奖(铜奖)
2008年 第八届海内外青年设计与制造科学会议暨吴贤铭制造科学会议最佳论文奖
2007年 首届上海研究生机械工程学术论坛最佳论文奖
2007年 上海市科技进步二等奖(排名第九)
2008年 中国国际工业博览会“最具技术交易潜力奖”
2009年 上海市优秀毕业生
2009年 赵朱木兰博士生奖学金(一等奖)
2008年 国家优秀奖学金
2008年 上海交通大学优秀学生党员