










1999―2001 上海交通大学机械工程学院制造技术与装备自动化所研究所  博士后
1992―1995 安徽理工大学机械工程系  讲师
2001―2003 上海交通大学hga010网页登录制造技术与装备自动化所 副教授
2004―至今 上海交通大学hga010网页登录制造技术与装备自动化所 教授




2012―至今 国际磨料技术委员会(ICAT)委员
2009―至今 《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》杂志编委
2009―至今 中国机械工程学会生产工程分会磨粒加工技术专业委员会委员
2008―至今 中国刀协切削先进技术研究会理事
2014―至今 《机械制造》杂志编委
2013―至今 全国磨料磨具标准化技术委员会超硬材料及制品分会委员
2015―至今 中国机床工具工业协会超硬材料分会技术专家委员会委员
2016―至今 《超硬材料工程》杂志编委
2019-至今 《材料研究与应用》杂志编委

1、 课程名称:切削原理与过程控制
2、 课程名称:测试原理与技术
3、 课程名称: 制造装备与生产线设计原理
4、 课程名称:先进制造技术


1 2002―2005 国家863项目“纳米金刚石复合涂层的应用与产业化”,负责人
2 2005―2008 国家自然科学基金“超光滑纳米金刚石薄膜制备新技术与应用基础研究”,负责人
3 2009―2010 国家863项目“金刚石涂层复杂刀具制备及其在复合材料高效加工中应用”,负责人
4 2010―2012 国家自然科学基金“基于多层膜结构的陶瓷基金刚石复合涂层的制备与应用研究”,负责人
5 2012—2014 国家科技重大专项课题“复合材料加工用金刚石涂层刀具的设计及涂层设备、工艺研究”,负责人
6 2013—2016 国家自然科学基金“化学气相法合成高品级单晶金刚石微粉的应用基础研究” ,负责人
7 2018—2021 国家自然科学基金“化学气相法制备单层金刚石磨料工具新技术的基础研究” ,负责人
8 2022—2025 国家自然科学基金“基于陶瓷中间过渡层的梯度渐变超纳米金刚石复合涂层制备新技术与应用基础研究” ,负责人
9 2014—2016 教育部博士点基金“基于陶瓷基中间过渡层的CVD 金刚石涂层刀具的制备与应用研究”,负责人
10 2008―2010 上海市科技创新行动计划技术标准专项“金刚石薄膜涂层产品技术标准的研究”,负责人
11 2008―2010 上海市科技创新行动计划新材料重点项目“煤液化耐高温高压抗冲蚀金刚石复合材料阀门的研制与应用”,第二负责人
12 2009―2011 上海市科技创新行动计划纳米专项 “复杂形状纳米金刚石薄膜涂层刀具的开发与应用”,负责人
13 2010―2011 科技部科技人员服务企业行动项目 “煤液化高温高压差减压阀耐磨损抗冲蚀金刚石阀芯阀座集成研发”,负责人
14 2008―2013 企业合作项目“化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜热丝CVD涂层设备的研制及应用技术”,负责人
15 2010―2016 企业合作项目“HF-CVD金刚石涂层设备研制”,负责人
16 2017-2019 企业合作项目“自动化HFCVD金刚石涂层设备的研制”,负责人
17 2018-2021 企业合作项目“HFCVD热丝金刚石涂层设备”,负责人
18 2019-2022 企业合作项目“HFCVD自动化热丝金刚石涂层设备”,负责人
19 2021-2023 国际合作项目“高性能掺杂金刚石涂层工具的开发及装备的研制”,负责人
20 2022-2024 科技重大专项揭榜挂帅类项目“工具及半导体应用单晶金刚石材料制备及关键技术研究 ”,负责人


1 F.H.Sun, et al, Improvement of adhesive strength and surface roughness of diamond films on Co-cemented tungsten carbide tools, Diamond Related Materials, 2003, Vol.12, pp:711-718
2 Fanghong Sun, Yuping Ma, Bin Shen, Zhiming Zhang and Ming Chen, Fabrication and application of nano-microcrystalline composite diamond films on the interior-hole surfaces of Co cemented tungsten carbide substrates, Diamond and Related Materials, 2009, vol.18(2-3), pp: 276-282.
3 F.H.Sun, et al, Fabrication and application of high quality diamond-coated tools, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2002, Vol.129(1-3), pp:441-445
4 Sun, F.H., Zhang, Z.M., Ma, Y.P. and Chen, M., Synthesis of nanocrystalline diamond films on smooth WC-Co cemetned carbide substrate, International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 2007,vol.1, No.2, pp: 161-172.
5 F.H.Sun, et al, A new technology on enhancing heat transfer of grinding contact zone through jet impingement during creep feed grinding, Machining Science and Technology. 2002, Vol.6 (1), pp:43-52
6 F.H. Sun, et al, Fabrication and application of smooth composite diamond films, Surface Engineering, 2003, Vol.19, pp: 461-465
7 孙方宏等,高性能CVD金刚石薄膜涂层刀具的制备和试验研究,机械工程学报,2003,39卷,7期,100-106
8 孙方宏等,纳米金刚石薄膜的制备与应用,机械工程学报,2007,43卷,3期,118-122
9 Bin Shen and Fanghong Sun, Deposition and friction properties of ultra-smooth composite diamond films on Co-cemented tungsten carbide substrates, Diamond and Related Materials, 2009, Vol.18(2-3), pp: 238-243
10 Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Molecular dynamics investigation on the atomic-scale indentation and friction behaviors between diamond tips and copper substrate, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol.19, No.7-9, 2010: 723-728
11 Liang Wang, Xuelin Lei, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Zhiming Zhang, Tribological properties and cutting performance of boron and silicon doped diamond films on Co-cemented tungsten carbide inserts, Diamond and Related Materials, 2013, Vol.33, pp:54-62
12 Xinchang Wang, Tao Zhang, Bin Shen, Jianguo Zhang, Fanghong Sun, Simulation and experimental research on the substrate temperature distribution in HFCVD diamond film growth on the inner hole surface, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, Vol.219(25), pp: 109–118
13 Tao Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun. Simulation of temperature and gas density field distribution in diamond films growth on silicon wafer by hot filament CVD. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2012, Vol.343(1), pp:55–61
14 T. Zhang, X. Wang, B. Shen, F. Sun and Z. Zhang, The effect of deposition parameters on the morphology of micron diamond powders synthesized by HFCVD method, J. Cryst. Growth, 2013, Vol.372 (0): pp. 49-56.
15 Dongcan Zhang, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Study on tribological behavior and cutting performance of CVD diamond and DLC films on Co-cemented tungsten carbide substrates, Applied Surface Science, 2010, Vol.256(8), pp: 2479-2489
16 Naichao Chen, Bin Shen, Guodong Yang, Fanghong Sun, Tribological and cutting behavior of silicon nitride tools coated with monolayer- and multilayer-microcrystalline HFCVD diamond films, Applied Surface Science, 2013, Vol.265C(1), pp: 856-859
17 Yuxiao Cui, B. Shen, Fanghong Sun, Influence of amorphous ceramic interlayers on tribological properties of CVD diamond films, Applied Surface Science, 2014, Vol. 313, pp: 918-925
18 Xinchang Wang, Tianqi Zhao, Fanghong Sun, Bin Shen, Comparisons of HFCVD diamond nucleation and growth using different carbon sources, Diamond and Related Materials, 2015, Vol. 54, pp: 26-33
19 Xuelin Lei, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Optimization of diamond coated micro drills in aluminum alloy 7075 machining: a case study, Diamond and Related Materials, 2015, Vol. 54, pp: 79-90
20 Xinchang Wang, Jianguo Zhang, Bin Shen, Tao Zhang, Fanghong Sun, Erosion mechanism of the boron-doped diamond films of different thicknesses, Wear, 2014, Vol. 312, pp: 1-10
21 X. C. Wang, J. G. Zhang, F. H. Sun, T. Zhang, B. Shen, Investigations on the fabrication and erosion behavior of the composite diamond coated nozzles, Wear, 2013, Vol. 304, pp: 126-137
22 Tao Zhang, Liang Wang, Fanghong Sun, Bin Shen, Zhiming Zhang, The effect of boron doping on the morphology and growth rate of micron diamond powders synthesized by HFCVD method, Diamond and Related Materials, 2013, Vol. 40, pp: 82-88
23 Yuxiao Cui, Weisong Wang, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, A study of CVD diamond deposition on cemented carbide ball-end milling tools with high cobalt content using amorphous ceramic interlayers, Diamond and Related Materials, 2015, Vol. 59, pp: 21-29
24 X. Wang, J. Zhang, B. Shen, T. Zhang, F. Sun, Fracture and solid particle erosion of micro-crystalline, nano-crystalline and boron doped diamond films, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2014, Vol. 45, pp: 31-40
25 X. Lei, B. Shen, L. Cheng, F. Sun, M. Chen, Influence of pretreatment and deposition parameters on the properties and cutting performance of NCD coated PCB micro drills, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2014, Vol. 43, pp: 30-41
26 X. Wang, X. Shen, F. Sun, B. Shen, Mechanical properties and solid particle erosion of MCD films synthesized using different carbon sources by BE-HFCVD, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, Vol. 54, pp: 370-377
27 Xinchang Wang, Liang Wang, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Friction and wear performance of boron doped, undoped microcrystalline and fine grained composite diamond films, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, Vol. 28, pp: 155-163
28 J. Zhang, X. Wang, B. Shen, F. Sun, Effect of boron and silicon doping on improving the cutting performance of CVD diamond coated cutting tools in machining CFRP, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2013, Vol. 41, pp: 285-293
29 X. Wang, Z. Lin, T. Zhang, B. Shen, F. Sun, Fabrication and application of boron-doped diamond coated rectangular-hole shaped drawing dies, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2013, Vol. 41, pp: 422-431
30 Zichao Lin, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Zhiming Zhang, Songshou Guo, Numerical and experimental investigation of trapezoidal wire cold drawing through a series of shaped dies, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, Vol. 76(5-8), pp: 1383-1391
31 Liang Wang, Bin Shen, Fanghong Sun, Zhiming Zhang, Effect of growth pressure on boron and nitrogen doped diamond films by HFCVD, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2015, Vol. 47(1), pp: 572-586
31 Xiaotian Shen, Xinchang Wang, Fanghong Sun, Chaoyue Ding, Sandblasting pretreatment for deposition of diamond films on WC-Co hard metal substrates, Diamond and related materials, 2017, Vol. 73, pp:7-14
32 X.C. Wang, C.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, C.Y. Ding, Simulation and experimental researches on HFCVD diamond film growth on small inner-hole surface of wire-drawing die with no filament through the hole. Surface and Coating Technology,2018, Vol. 339, pp:1-13
34 C.C. Wang, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun. Tribological behavior and cutting performance of monolayer, bilayer and multilayer diamond coated milling tools in machining of zirconia ceramics. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018, Vol.353, pp:49-57
34 X.T Shen, C.C Wang, F.H. Sun,The effects of deposition parameters on the grain morphology and wear mechanism of monolayer diamond grinding tools fabricated by hot filament CVD method , Diamond and related materials , 2018,Vol.89, pp:312-321
35 X.T Shen, X.C Wang, F.H. Sun, Fabrication and evaluation of monolayer diamond grinding tools by hot filament chemical vapor deposition method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019,Vol.265, pp:1-11
36 H. Wang, J. Yang, F.H. Sun, Cutting performances of MCD, SMCD, NCD and MCD/NCD coated tools in high-speed milling of hot bending graphite molds, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, Vol.276, pp:1-13
37 H. Wang, X. Song, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, Tribological performance and wear mechanism of smooth ultrananocrystalline diamond films, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, Vol.290, pp:1-13
38 H. Wang, X. Song, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, Fabrication, tribological properties and cutting performances of high-quality multilayer graded MCD/NCD/UNCD coated PCB end mills, Diamond and Related Materials, 2021, Vol.118, pp: 1-17
39 H. Wang, X.T. Shen, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, Simulation and experimental researches on the substrate temperature distribution of the large-capacity HFCVD setup for mass-production of diamond coated milling tools, Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, Vol.101, pp: 1-12
40 H. Wang, C.C. Wang, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun. Effects of carbon concentration and gas pressure with hydrogen-rich gas chemistry on synthesis and characterizations of HFCVD diamond films on WC-Co substrates, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, Vol.409, pp: 1-12
41 X. Song, H. Wang, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, Erosion mechanism and cutting performance of mpcvd multilayer diamond thick film-si3n4brazed inserts, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, Vol.118(7-8), pp:2437-2451
42 X. Song, H. Wang, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, Coupling effects of methane concentration and nitrogen addition level on morphologies and properties of mpcvd diamond films on wc-co substrates, Diamond and Related Materials, 2021, Vol.117, 108487
43 X. Song, H. Wang, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, Fabrication and evaluation of diamond thick film-Si3N4 brazed cutting tool by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, Vol.291, 117034
44 X. Song, M. Lu, H. Wang, X.C. Wang, F.H. Sun, Fracture mechanics of microcrystalline/nanocrystalline composited multilayer chemical vapor deposition self-standing diamond films, Ceramics International, 2022, Vol.48, pp: 21909-21919
45 孙方宏,王新昶,林子超著,内孔金刚石涂层的制备与应用,上海交通大学出版社,2021,12


1 专利名称:制备纳米金刚石薄膜的辅助栅极热丝化学气相沉积法
2 专利名称:金刚石薄膜涂层轴承支撑器的制备方法
3 专利名称:大孔径金刚石涂层拉拔模的制备方法
4 专利名称:碳化硅陶瓷和金刚石复合拉拔模具制备方法
授权号:ZL 200810040138.9
5 专利名称:化学气相沉积制备掺硼导电金刚石薄膜方法
授权号:ZL 200910045950.5
6 专利名称:复杂形状金刚石涂层刀具热丝化学气相沉积批量制备方法
授权号:ZL 201110028846.2
7 专利名称:特大孔径内孔金刚石平坦化涂层的制备方法
授权号:ZL 201110028847.7
8 专利名称:金刚石涂层高温高压差阀的制备方法
授权号:ZL 201110330198.6
9 专利名称:多元掺杂热丝化学气相沉积制备金刚石薄膜的方法
授权号:ZL 201210085095.2
10 专利名称:金刚石涂层高温高压喷雾喷嘴的制备方法
授权号:ZL 201410005575.2
11 专利名称:制备硬质合金基体金刚石涂层的预处理方法
授权号:ZL 201610920894.5
12 专利名称:利用化学气相沉积制备单层金刚石磨料工具的方法
授权号:ZL 201710072261.8
13 专利名称:利用掩膜版制备磨粒有序排布的金刚石磨料工具的方法
授权号:ZL 201810443806.6
14 专利名称:高光洁度复杂形状超纳米金刚石涂层刀具批量制备方法
15 专利名称:复杂形状金刚石涂层刀具的HFCVD批量制备方法

1、 2003 上海交通大学优秀博士后
2、 2006 第四届上海市发明创造专利奖发明专利奖一等奖
3、 2006 教育部新世纪优秀人才
4、 2007 上海市科学技术进步奖二等奖 (排3)
5、 2007 第十届中国专利奖优秀奖
6、 2007 上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)硕士指导教师
7、 2008 国家技术发明奖二等奖(排6)
8、 2008 教育部科技进步奖二等奖(排8)
9、 2008 中国工业博览会最具技术交易潜力奖
10、 2010 国家自然科学基金优秀结题项目
11、 2011 上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)博士指导教师
12、 2011 第一届上银优秀博士论文奖铜奖指导教授
13、 2014 中国机械工业科学技术奖一等奖(排5)
14、 2017 国家科技进步二等奖(排2)
15、 2020 第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖、上海赛区金奖指导教师
16、 2020年度育栋梁名师