



电子邮件:z.tong@sjtu.edu.cn (长期招聘对物理、数学、算法分析、装备仪器感兴趣的各类人才!)

通讯地址:上海市东川路800号, 上海交通大学闵行校区hga010网页登录A521 邮编:200240




2013—2015   英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学设计、制造与工程管理,哲学博士
2012—2013   英国哈德斯菲尔德大学计算机与工程,博士联培
2011—2012   英国赫瑞瓦特大学工程与物理科学,博士联培
2010—2017   哈尔滨工业大学机械制造及其自动化,工学博士
2008—2010   哈尔滨工业大学机械制造及其自动化,工学硕士


转化医学国家科学中心〔转化医学国家重大科技基础设施(上海)〕生物医学制造与转化技术中心 主任


• 超精密机床结构、核心部件设计(Design of ultra-precision machine tools & core components)
• 加工状态智能监测、分析及决策系统 (Smart process monitoring and control)
• 表面在线测量和质量控制技术(In-process/on-machine surface measurement and quality assurance)

2、微纳制造与应用表面科学 (fs,micro milling,grinding,polishing)
• 微纳米结构表面高精度大规模制造技术(High-precision scale-up micro and nano manufacturing)
• 超光滑自由曲面设计、制造及表面检测(Freeform design,manufacturing,surface metrology)
• 多尺度模拟仿真技术 (MD,DDD,FEM simulation on machining mechanism)

3、金刚石刀具技术(Smart tooling system 系统设计、刀具制备、切削性能评价)
• 单晶金刚石刀具伺服控制系统(ultrasonic,laser-assisted,fast-tool-servo)
• 特种金刚石微纳米刀具(FIB/laser-based single crystal diamond tool fabrication)
• 硬脆材料磨粒磨削技术(Abrasive tools for ultra-precision grinding & polishing of brittle materials)


• 欧洲精密工程与纳米技术学会 (EUSPEN, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology) 国际专家委员会委员 (International Scientific Committee Member)
 -Conference Local Chair of EUSPEN SIG meeting on freeform and micro and nanomanufacturing, Sep. 2022. (大会主席)
 -Co-organiser and Session chair of EUSPEN SIG meeting on freeform and micro and nanomanufacturing, Oct. 2020
• 国际生产工程科学院 (CIRP, The International Academy for Production Engineering) 青年会员
• 国际纳米制造协会 (ISNM, International Society for Nanomanufacturing)  会员
• 国际磨粒技术协会 (ICAT, International Committee for Abrasive Technology)会员
• 中国仪器仪表学会——集成电路测量仪器分会,理事会委员

• 《制造技术与机床》编委

• 《International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing》青年编委,客座编辑
• 《International Journal of Abrasive Technology》编委
• 《Nanomanufacturing and Metrology》青年编委
• 《Crystal》专题顾问
• 特邀审稿人 Nature Communications, Materials Today Communications, Carbon, Optical Express, Precision Engineering, Journal of manufacturing processes, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Measurement, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Processing Technologies, Diamond Materials, Crystal, Nanotechnology, Micromachines, Microelectronic Engineering etc.

• 上海交通大学:
《智能制造装备与技术》 3学分 48学时 研究生前沿课程
• 斯特拉思克莱德大学 University of Strathclyde
《工程制图》(DM100 Engineering drawing)
《工程管理》(DM948 Engineering management)
• 赫瑞瓦特大学 Heriot-Watt University
《数控编程》(B58DB1 NC coding)
《工程制图》(B59DF2 Engineering Drawling)
《工程管理》(B51GK Engineering management)


• 2024-2027 重大专项,1600万,主持。
• 2024-2024 中科院上海光源装备项目,80万,主持。
• 2023-2026 创新人才项目,600万,主持。
• 2022-2025 "蓝宝石衬底的超声辅助固相反应研磨加工机理及关键技术研究", 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万,承担,排序2 。
• 2015-2022 在海外工作期间,连续申请获得了欧盟委员会(European Commission, EC),英国国家工程与物理研究委员会(Engineering and Physical Science Research Council, EPSRC),英国科学与技术装备委员会(Science Technology Facilities Council, STFC)等项目资助,累计折合人民币>5500万。
• 2016-2022 推动和促成了多项英国任职高校与国内985、211大学及出国留学机构的中英教育交流与合作项目。


Publications listed according to major research directions in chronological order:
• Embedded metrology oriented freeform machining
[1] Kumar, S., Tong, Z.*, Jiang, X., (2022), Advances in the design and manufacturing of novel freeform optics, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 4 032004.
[2] Tong, Z., Zhong, W., Zeng, W., & Jiang, X. (2021), Closed-loop form error measurement and compensation for FTS freeform machining. CIRP Annals, 70(1): 455-458.
[3] Zhong, W., Tong, Z., & Jiang, X. (2021). Integration of On-machine Surface Measurement into Fast Tool Servo Machining. Procedia CIRP, 101, 238-241.
[4] Geng, Z., Tong, Z., & Jiang, X. (2021). Review of geometric error measurement and compensation techniques of ultra-precision machine tools. Light: Advanced Manufacturing, 2(2), 211-227.
[5] Tong, Z., Zhong, W., To, S., Zeng, W., (2020) Fast-tool-servo micro-grooving freeform surfaces with embedded metrology, CIRP Annals Volume 69, Issue 1, 505-508.
[6] Zhong, W., Tong, Z., Chen, W. & Jiang, X., (2019) Development of an adaptive toolpath planning strategy for diamond face turning of freeform surface. 19th International Conference and Exhibition, EUSPEN 2019. p. 126-127.
[7] Zhu, Z., Tong, Z., To, S., Jiang, X., (2019) Tuned diamond turning of micro-structured surfaces on brittle materials for the improvement of machining efficiency, CIRP Annals, 68(1): 559-562.
[8] Jiang, X., Tong, Z., Li, D., (2019) On-Machine Measurement System and Its Application in Ultra-Precision Manufacturing, In Book: Precision Machines, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5192-0_16-1.
[9] Li, D., Jiang X., Tong, Z., Blunt, L., (2019) Development and Application of Interferometric On-Machine Surface Measurement for Ultraprecision Turning Process, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 141(1): 014502.
[10] Li, D., Wang, B., Tong, Z., Blunt, L., Jiang, X., (2019) On-machine surface measurement and applications for ultra-precision machining: a state-of-the-art review, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104:831–847.
[11] Li, D., Tong, Z., Jiang, X., Blunt, L., (2018) Calibration of an interferometric on-machine probing system on an ultra-precision turning machine, Measurement, 118:96–104.
[12] Li, D., Jiang, X., Tong, Z., & Blunt, L., (2018) Kinematics error compensation for a surface measurement probe on an ultra-precision turning machine.  Micromachines, 9(7), 334.

• Micro/nanomanufacturing technologies
[13] Geng, Z., Tong, Z., Huang, G., Zhong, W., Cui, C., Xu, X., & Jiang, X. (2022). Micro-grooving of brittle materials using textured diamond grinding wheels shaped by an integrated nanosecond laser system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-11.
[14] Tong, Z., Zeng, W., Zhong, W., & Jiang, X., (2021), A closed-loop feature-based FTS patterning and characterisation of functional structured surfaces, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties9: 025012.
[15] Zhu, Z., To, S., Tong, Z., & Jiang, X., (2019) Modulated diamond cutting for the generation of complicated micro/nanofluidic channels. Precision Engineering, 56, 136-142.
[16] Zeng, S., Tong, Z., Blunt, L., (2019) Polishing Technologies and Their Applications in Artificial Implants, In Book: Metrology, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5192-0_17-1.
[17] Chen, W., Tong, Z., Huo, D., Jiang, X. (2019) A virtual system for machine tool design considering the interaction between manufacturing processes and machine tool dynamics, The 22nd International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology, Shenzhen China, 6-9 December 2019.
[18] Luo, X., Tong, Z., (2018) Nano-grooving by Using Multi-tip Diamond Tools, In: Yan J. (eds) Micro and Nano Fabrication Technology, Micro/Nano Technologies, Springer, Singapore, 1:1–44.
[19] Tong, Z., Luo, X., Sun, J., Liang, Y., Jiang, X., (2015) Investigation of a scale-up manufacturing approach for nanostructures by using a nanoscale multi-tip diamond tool, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 80(1-4):699–710.

• Computational modelling and simulation
[20] Zhang, Z., Tong, Z., & Jiang, X. (2022). Development of the Concurrent Multiscale Discrete-Continuum Model and Its Application in Plasticity Size Effect. Crystals, 12(3), 329.
[21] Bai, J., & Tong, Z. (2022), A dislocation density-based multiscale cutting model for ultra-precision machining of AISI 4140 steel, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference and Exhibition of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 543-544.
[22] Bai, J., & Tong, Z. (2021), A novel multiscale material plasticity simulation model for high-performance cutting AISI 4140 steel. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 116(11), 3891-3904.
[23] Lu, S., Wang, X., and Tong, Z. et al., (2020) Finite element investigation on the wave-particle interactions in ultrasonic inspection of SiCp/Al composites, Materials Research Express 7, no. 3: 036534.
[24] Chen, W., Tong, Z., Huo, D., Zhong, W., Jiang, X., (2019) A forward closed-loop virtual simulation system for milling process considering dynamics processing-machine interactions, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104:2317–2328.
[25] Bai, J., Bai, Q., Tong, Z., (2018) Experimental and multiscale numerical investigation of wear mechanism and cutting performance of polycrystalline diamond tools in micro-end milling of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 74: 40–51.
[26] J Bai, J., Bai, Q., Tong, Z., Guo, H., (2018) Theoretical model for subsurface microstructure prediction in micro-machining Ti-6Al-4V alloy - Experimental validation, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 148 64-72.
[27] Bai, J., Bai, Q., Tong, Z., Chen, G., (2018) The influence of cutting parameters on the defect structure of subsurface in orthogonal cutting of titanium alloy, Journal of Materials Research. 33(6): 720–732.
[28] Bai, J., Bai, Q., Tong, Z., (2017) Multiscale Analyses of Surface Failure Mechanism of Single-Crystal Silicon during Micro-Milling Process, Materials, 10(12):1424.
[29] Bai, J., Bai, Q., Tong, Z., (2017) Dislocation Dynamics-Based Modelling and Simulations of Subsurface Damages Microstructure of Orthogonal Cutting of Titanium Alloy, Micromachines. 8(10):309.
[30] Bai, J., Bai, Q., Tong, Z., Chao, H., Xin, H., (2016) Evolution of surface grain structure and mechanical properties in orthogonal cutting of titanium alloy, Journal of Materials Research, 31(24):3919–3929.
[31] Bai, J., Xin, H., Bai, Q., Tong, Z., (2016) An atomistic investigation of the effect of strain on frictional properties of suspended graphene, AIP Advances, 6(5):055308.
[32] Tong, Z., Liang, Y., Jiang, X., Luo, X., (2014) An atomistic investigation on the mechanism of machining nanostructures when using single tip and multi-tip diamond tools, Applied Surface Science, 290:458–465.
[33] Tong, Z., Liang, Y., Yang, X., Luo, X., (2014) Investigation on the thermal effects during nanometric cutting process while using nanoscale diamond tools, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 74(9-12):1709–1718.
[34] Bai, Q., Zhang, X., Tong, Z., Liang, Y., Pen, H., (2013) Multiscale simulation of the compress behavior on single crystal copper microstructure based on quasi-continuum method, Journal of Mechanical Strength, 35(6): 810-815.
[35] Bai, Q., Tong, Z., Liang, Y., Chen, J., Wang, Z., (2010) Simulation of scale dependency on tensile mechanical properties of single crystal copper nano-rod, ActaMetall Sin. 46(10):1173–1180.

• Cutting tool technology
[36] Geng, Z., Tong, Z., Huang, G., Zhong, W., Cui, C., Xu, X., & Jiang, X. (2022). Micro-grooving of brittle materials using textured diamond grinding wheels shaped by an integrated nanosecond laser system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-11.
[37] Wang, Y., Huang, Tong, Z. et al., (2019) Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Pulsed Laser Spot Heating Parameters on Brazing of Diamond Tools, Metals (Basel). 9(5) 612. doi:10.3390/met9050612.
[38] Tong, Z., Jiang, X., Luo, X., Bai, Q., Xu, Z., Blunt, L., Liang, Y., (2016) Review on FIB-induced damage in diamond material, Current Nanoscience, 12(6):685–695.
[39] Tong, Z., Xu, Z., Wu, W., Luo, X., (2015) Molecular dynamic simulation of low-energy FIB irradiation induced damage in diamond, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B. 358:38–44.
[40] Rajput, N., Tong, Z., Verma, H., Luo, X., (2015) Ion beam assisted fabrication and manipulation of metallic nanowires, Micro and Nano letter, 10(7):334–338.
[41] Rajput, N., Tong, Z., Luo, X., (2015) Investigation of ion induced bending mechanism for nanostructures, Mater. Res. Express, 2:015002.
[42] Tong, Z., Luo, X., (2015) Investigation of focused ion beam induced damage in single crystal diamond tools, Applied Surface Science, 347:727–735.
[43] Luo, X., Tong, Z., Liang, Y., (2014) Investigation of the shape transferability of nanoscale multi-tip diamond tools in the diamond turning of nanostructures, Applied Surface Science, 321:495–502.

2023 国家高层次人才
2023 国家“111”引智基地特聘教授
2023 年度重大项目新秀奖
2017 第十二届“春晖杯”创新创业大赛先进制造组,优胜奖
2017 英国曼彻斯特“苏曼杯”创新创业大赛,“一带一路”科技创新,特等奖
2013 欧洲纳米与工程技术协会EUSPEN,海德汉Heidenhain优秀学者奖金
2011 苏格兰国际优秀学者ORSAS奖金获得者(gifted student)
2011 英国赫瑞瓦特大学,詹姆斯• 瓦特全额奖学金获得者
2010 黑龙江省优秀毕业研究生、哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生(金牌)