







2011.10-2014.09,Tohoku University(日本东北大学),核能科学与工程,博士




1. 先进材料辐照效应
2. 辐照力学响应行为
3. 事故下堆内材料行为



1. Nuclear Materials and Energy, Early Career Editorial Board Member
2. International Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology, Young Editorial Board Member
3. Tungsten, Young Editorial Board Member


1. 2024-2027 国家海外优秀青年科学基金项目,主持
2. 2022-2025 上海交通大学科研启动经费,主持

3. 2022-2026 日本学术振兴会,科研费基盘研究B:基体-析出相界面的吸氢效应与辐照效应的协同作用机理研究,子课题负责人
4. 2020-2024 日本文部科学省,国家课题对应型研究开发项目:金属涂层锆合金事故容错型核燃料包壳材料的研发,子课题负责人
5. 2020-2023 日本文部科学省,英知-福岛事故反应堆退役项目:核燃料碎片/堆芯熔融物特性研究,主持
6. 2019-2022 日本学术振兴会,科研费若手研究:核工程结构材料的辐照硬化与结晶取向的关联性研究,主持
7. 2018-2022 日本学术振兴会,科研费基盘研究B:吸氢对核材料的辐照行为的促进/抑制效果研究,子课题负责人


[1] S. Kano*, H.L. Yang*, M. Ando, D. Hamaguchi, T. Nozawa, H. Abe. Effect of solid solution tungsten on the radiation-induced amorphization in bulk M23C6 fabricated by vacuum induction melting, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 587 (2023) 154740.
[2] B. Li, H.L. Yang*, R. Holmes, L.J. Cui, S. Kano, H. Abe*. Thermal stability of the Cr-coated zirconium alloy microstructure prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Tungsten (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s42864-023-00235-z
[3] S. Kano*, H.L. Yang*, M. Ando, D. Hamaguchi, T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa, T. Shibayama, H. Abe. Chemical and topological disordering in M23C6 due to irradiation: An atomic-scale observation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 587 (2023) 154733.
[4] B. Li, H.L. Yang*, R. Holmes, L.J. Cui, S. Kano, H. Abe*. Experimental kinetic study of interdiffusion behavior and intermetallic compound Zr(Fe,Cr)2 formation at the Cr/Zry4 interface under elevated temperatures, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 584 (2023) 154595.
[5] L.J. Cui, Y.F. Du, H.L. Yang*, J.A.K. Jovellana, Q.Q. Shi, S. Kano, H. Abe*. Improved irradiation resistance of Cr-Fe alloy for Cr-coated Zircaloy application in accident tolerant fuel, Scripta Materialia, 229 (2023) 115344.
[6] S. Kano*, H.L. Yang*, K. Murakami, H. Abe, Modification of the high fluence irradiation facility at the University of Tokyo: Assessment of radiation-induced amorphization of Zr(Cr,Fe)2 Laves phase under 180 keV-He+ irradiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 531 (2022) 1-8.
[7] L.J. Cui, H.L. Yang*, Y.F. Du, Q.Q. Shi, S. Kano, H. Abe*. TEM characterization of irradiation-induced dislocation loops and voids in ion-irradiated pure chromium, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 569 (2022)153920.
[8] H.L. Yang, K. Murakami. Investigation of environment induced property change and cracking behavior in fuel debris, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)-Review 2022, 124 pages, 2022-036. DOI:10.11484/jaea-review-2022-036(In Japanese)
[9] B. Li, H.L. Yang*, R. Holmes, Z.Q. Wei, S. Kano, H. Abe*. Microstructure evolution and mechanical property of high temperature solid-state diffusion bonded Cr-Zry4 with and without a 316 SS interlayer, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 32(2022) 101233.
[10] H.L. Yang*. Anisotropic effects of radiation-induced hardening in nuclear structural materials: A review, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 561 (2022) 153571.
[11] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, J. McGrady, J.J. Shen, Y.F. Li, D.Y. Chen, K. Murakami, H. Abe. Hardening behavior and deformation microstructure beneath indentation in heavy ion irradiated 12Cr-ODS steel at elevated temperature, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 543 (2021) 152606.
[12] H.L. Yang, K. Murakami. Investigation of environment induced property change and cracking behavior in fuel debris, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)-Review 2021, 84 pages, 2021-058. DOI:10.11484/jaea-review-2021-058(In Japanese)
[13] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, J. McGrady, D.Y. Chen, K. Murakami, H. Abe. Microstructural evolution and hardening effect in low-dose self-ion irradiated Zr-Nb alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 542 (2020) 152523.
[14] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, J.J. Shen, J. McGrady, Y.F. Li, D.Y. Chen, K. Murakami, H. Abe. Investigation of anisotropic hardening response in a 12Cr-ODS ferritic steel subjected to 2.8 MeV Fe2+ irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 531 (2020) 152016.
[15] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, L.J. Chai, J.J. Shen, Z.S. Zhao, J. McGrady, Z.G. Duan, D.Y. Chen, H. Abe. Interaction between slip and {10-12} tensile twinning in Zr alloy: Quasi in situ electron backscatter diffraction study under uniaxial tensile test, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 782 (2019) 659-666.
[16] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, J. McGrady, J.J. Shen, Y. Matsukawa, D.Y. Chen, K. Murakami, H. Abe*. Surface orientation dependence of irradiation-induced hardening in a polycrystalline zirconium alloy, Scripta Materialia, 162 (2019) 209-213.
[17] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, J.J. Shen, J. McGrady, Z.S. Zhao, Z.G. Duan, D.Y. Chen, H. Abe. On the strength-hardness relationships in a Zr-Nb alloy plate with bimodal basal texture microstructure, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 732 (2018) 333-340.
[18] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano*, Y. Matsukawa, J.J. Shen, Z.S. Zhao, Z.G. Duan, D.Y. Chen, K. Murakami, Y.F. Li, Y. Satoh, H. Abe. Tensile properties and microstructure of Zr-1.8Nb alloy subjected to 140-MeV C4+ ion irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 495 (2017) 138-145.
[19] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, Z.G. Duan, Y. Matsukawa, K. Murakami, H. Abe. Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of dilute binary Zr-Nb model alloys for the applications of nuclear fuel cladding. Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power
[20] H.L. Yang*, Y. Matsukawa, S. Kano, Z.G. Duan, K. Murakami, H. Abe. Investigation on microstructural evolution and hardening mechanism in dilute Zr-Nb binary alloys. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 481 (2016) 117-124.
[21] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, Y. Matsukawa, Y.F. Li, J.J. Shen, F. Li, Z.S. Zhao, Y. Satoh, H. Abe*. Effect of molybdenum on microstructures in Zr-1.2Nb alloys after β-quenching and subsequently 873 K annealing. Materials & Design, 104 (2016) 355-364.
[22] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, Y. Matsukawa, Y.F. Li, J.J. Shen, Z.S. Zhao, F. Li, Y. Satoh, H. Abe*. Study on recrystallization and correlated mechanical properties in Mo-modified Zr-Nb alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 661 (2016) 9-18.
[23] Y. Matsukawa*, H.L. Yang*, K. Saito, Y. Murakami, T. Maruyama, T. Iwai, K. Murakami, Y. Shinohara, T. Kido, T. Toyama, Z. Zhao, Y.F. Li, S. Kano, Y. Satoh, Y. Nagai, H. Abe. The effect of crystallographic mismatch on the obstacle strength of second phase precipitate particles in dispersion strengthening: bcc Nb particles and nanometric Nb clusters embedded in hcp Zr. Acta Materialia, 102 (2016) 323-332.
[24] H.L. Yang*, S. Kano, J. Shen, Z. Zhao, Y. Matsukawa, Y. Satoh, H. Abe. Investigation on recrystallization characteristics and mechanical properties of Zr-Nb-Mo ternary alloys. Proceedings of The Ninth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing.
[25] H.L. Yang*, J.J. Shen, S. Kano, Y. Matsukawa, Y.F. Li, Y. Satoh, T. Matsunaga, H. Abe. Effects of Mo addition on precipitation in Zr-1.2Nb alloys. Materials Letters, 158 (2015) 88-91.
[26] H.L. Yang*, H. Abe, S. Kano, Y. Matsukawa, Y. Satoh. Effects of molybdenum on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties in Zr-Nb alloys as nuclear fuel cladding materials. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52 (2015)1265-1273.
[27] H.L. Yang*, J.J. Shen, Y. Matsukawa, Y. Satoh, S. Kano, Z. Zhao, Y. Li, F. Li, H. Abe. Effects of alloying elements (Sn, Nb, Cr, and Mo) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of zirconium alloys. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52 (2015) 1162-1173.

2023, 国家海外高层次人才计划(青年项目)
2022, 上海市海外高层次人才引进计划
2022, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Rising Stars in Nuclear Materials Award
2021, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Most Cited Article Award 2021
2019, 日本原子力学会材料部会 Best Figure Award
2016, 日本原子力学会,核燃料部会部会奖
2016, The Ninth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, Best Poster Award
2014, 日本原子力学会核燃料部会, Best Presentation Award