








1985.05―1989.04哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系博士
1982.03―1984.11哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系硕士
1978.03―1982.02哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系学士


1984.11―1986.09 哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系 助教
1986.09―1989.11 哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系 讲师
1989.11―1991.11 哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系 副教授
1991.12―2004.01 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 教授
1993.07―2004.01 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 教授 博士生导师
2004.01―现在 上海交通大学 hga010网页登录 教授 博士生导师
1987.01―1988.11 日本东京大学 生产技术研究所 外国人博士研究员
1996.05―1998.05 美国Nebraska-Lincoln大学 非传统制造中心 客座教授
1984.11―2004.01 在哈尔滨工业大学工作期间历任中心副主任、系主任、科研处处长、校长助理、深圳研究生院院长等职
2004.01―2009.12 在上海交通大学工作期间历任副院长、系主任等职
2010.01~2013.12 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室副主任
2011.04~2017.03 密西根学院副院长
2023.07~现在 上海交通大学特聘教授




1997―现在 中国机械工程学会特种加工分会 副理事长
2003―现在 中国机械工程学会 理事
2008―现在 全国特种加工机床标准化技术委员会 副主任委员
2007―现在 《制造技术与机床》编委
2009―现在 《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering》编委
2010年 CIRP系列国际会议--第16届国际电加工会议,大会主席

1. 课程名称:航空航天技术历史与展望
2. 课程名称:《研究实验技能》


2023.01~2026.12 国家自然科学基金项目“电火花加工放电通道等离子体特性研究(52275450)”,项目负责人
2019.01~2021.12 国家自然科学基金国际合作交流重点项目 "高性能合金的电化学复合加工方法研究(51961135201)",项目负责人
2018.01~2021.12 国家自然科学基金项目“涡轮叶片气膜冷却孔高速电火花加工防背伤方法(51775341)” ,项目负责人
2013.01~2017.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目“高速电弧放电加工技术基础研究(51235007)”,项目负责人
2010.01~2012.12 国家自然科学基金纳米制造重大研究计划项目“纳米放电加工方法研究(90923020)”,项目负责人
2007.01~2010.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目“微细电加工及其微小装备的基础研究(50635040)”,第二负责人
2007.07~2010.06 国家科技支撑计划项目“吸纱风道压力平衡系统的研发(061231132 )”,项目负责人
2006.12~2008.12 国家863项目“集成式桌面型微细电加工机床(2006AA04Z332)”,项目负责人
2006.01~2008.12 国家自然科学基金项目“集束电极电火花加工技术研究(50575136)”,项目负责人
2004.06~2006.06 上海市科委重点攻关项目“微细电加工机床的研制(041111005)”,项目负责人


赵万生 顾琳 著,《高速电弧放电加工技术原理与应用》. 国防工业出版社,2023.1
赵万生 著,《先进电火花加工技术》. 国防工业出版社, 2003.10
赵万生 编著,《实用电加工技术》. 机械工业出版社,2002.4
赵万生 主编,《特种加工技术》. 高等教育出版社,2001.6
刘晋春、赵家齐、赵万生主编,《特种加工》第四版. 机械工业出版社,2004.7

[1] Zi-Lun Li, Hao-Yu Chu, Xue-Cheng Xi, Wei-Wen Xia, Yan-Xin Sun, Wan-Sheng Zhao. Improving reciprocating traveling WEDM performance by a new adaptive servo feedrate control system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 114, No.5, 1409-1425, 2021
[2] Jing Hu, Yulei Fu, Dong Li, Yingmou Zhu, Ruixue Zhang, Wansheng Zhao. Hybrid particle-thermodynamic model and experimental validation of multi-track periodical heating during electron beam treatment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. Vol. 439, 34-42, 2018
[3] Weiwen Xia, Junqi Wang, Wansheng Zhao. Break-out Detection for High-speed Small Hole Drilling EDM Based on Machine Learning. Procedia CIRP 68, 569-574, 2018
[4] GW Huang, WW Xia, L Qin, WS Zhao. Online Workpiece Height Estimation for Reciprocated Traveling Wire EDM Based on Support Vector Machine. Procedia CIRP 68, 126-131 1, 2018
[5] YL Fu, J Hu, RX Zhang, WJ Huo, XT Cao, WS Zhao. Surface modification of AISI 1045 steel by pseudospark based pulsed electron beam. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. Vol. 434, 88-92, 2018
[6] L Gu, J Chen, Y Zhu, W Zhao, KP Rajurkar. Influence of reinforcement particles on the mechanism of the blasting erosion arc machining of SiC/Al composites. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 99/5-8, 2018
[7] J Chen, L Gu, Y Zhu, W Zhao. High efficiency blasting erosion arc machining of 50 vol.% SiC/Al matrix composites. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Journal of Engineering Manufacture. Vol.232/12, 2226-2235, 2018
[8] Y Zhang, N Han, X Kang, S Lan, W Zhao. Experimental investigation of the governing parameters of the electrostatic field–induced electrolyte jet micro electrical discharge machining on the silicon wafer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. Vol.232/12, 2201-2209, 2018
[9] W Zhao, L Gu, F Zhang, KP Rajurkar. Modeling study of the hydrodynamic arc breaking mechanism in BEAM. CIRP Annals, Vol. 67/1, 189-192, 2018
[10] X Kang, W Liang, W Zhao, H Xu. Feeding with perturbations in the EDM process of an integral shrouded blisk. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 96/9-12, 3951-3957, 2018
[11] L Gu, Y Zhu, F Zhang, A Farhadi, W Zhao. Mechanism analysation and parameter optimization of electro discharge machining of titanium- zirconium- molybdenum alloy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. Vol. 32, 773-781, 2018
[12] J Chen, L Gu, X Liu, W Zhao. Combined machining of SiC/Al composites based on blasting erosion arc machining and CNC milling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 96/1-4, 111-121, 2018
[13] HD Liu, XC Xi, W Liang, M Chen, H Chen, WS Zhao. A look-ahead transition algorithm for jump motions with short line segments in EDM. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 95/1-4, 1409-1419, 2018
[14] Y Zhu, A Farhadi, G He, T Liang, L Gu, W Zhao. High-efficiency machining of large aspect-ratio rotational parts by rapid contour approaching WEDM. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 94/9-12, 3577-3590, 2018
[15] HD Liu, XC Xi, M Chen, WS Zhao. A look-ahead transition algorithm and jump motion planning in multi-axis EDM for shrouded blisks. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-12, 2018
[16] X Kang, W Liang, Y Yang, W Zhao. Maximum free distance method for electrode feeding path planning in EDM machining of integral shrouded blisks. Precision Engineering Vol. 51, 514-520, 2018
[17] Y Fu, J Hu, X Shen, Y Wang, W Zhao. Surface hardening of 30CrMnSiA steel using continuous electron beam. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. Vol. 410, 207-214, 2017
[18] Y Zhang, X Kang, W Zhao. The investigation of discharge restriction mechanism of the floating workpiece based electrostatic field-induced electrolyte jet (E-Jet) EDM. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Vol. 247, 134-142, 2017
[19] H Xu, L Gu, W Zhao, J Chen, F Zhang. Influence of flushing holes on the machining performance of blasting erosion arc machining. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. Vol. 231/11, 1949-1960, 2017
[20] Yaou Zhang, Ning Han, Xiaoming Kang, Wansheng Zhao, Kaixian Xu. Experimental study of an electrostatic field–induced electrolyte jet electrical discharge machining process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. Vol. 231/10, 1752-1759, 2017
[21] M Chen, XC Xi, WS Zhao, H Chen, HD Liu. A universal velocity limit curve generator considering abnormal tool path geometry for CNC machine tools. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 44, 295-301, 2017
[22] Y Zhang, X Kang, W Zhao. The contrastive experimental investigation of the discharge concentration problem in the E-Jet EDM. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 91/5-8, 2359-2367, 2017
[23] H Chen, XC Xi, WS Zhao, M Chen. Feedrate planning for synchronized movements involving rotary axes in multi-axis EDM for shrouded blisks. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 90/9-12, 2645-2654, 2017
[24] Y Zhu, T Liang, L Gu, W Zhao. Precision machining of high aspect-ratio rotational part with wire electro discharge machining. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. Vol. 31/3, 1391-1399, 2017
[25] H Chen, WS Zhao, XC Xi, M Chen, W Liang. Non-circular parametric curve and curved surface interpolation and tool compensation for WEDM based on unit arc length increment method. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 88/5-8, 1257-1266, 2017
[26] XC Xi, M Chen, WS Zhao. Improving electrical discharging machining efficiency by using a Kalman filter for estimating gap voltages. Precision Engineering. Vol. 47, 182-190, 2017
[27] L Gu, J Chen, H Xu, W Zhao. Blasting erosion arc machining of 20 vol.% SiC/Al metal matrix composites. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 87/9-12, 2775-2784, 2016
[28] Y Zhang, K Wilt, X Kang, N Han, W Zhao. The experimental investigation of electrostatic field-induced electrolyte jet (E-Jet) micro-electrical machining mechanism. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 87/9-12, 3059-3068, 2016
[29] W Liang, X Kang, W Zhao, Y Yang. Electrical discharge machining of electron beam melting formed shrouded blisk. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 87/5-8, 2319-2326, 2016
[30] F Zhang, L Gu, J Chen, H Xu, W Zhao. Observation and modeling research of high-velocity flushing effect on the performance of BEAM. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 86/1-4, 935-942, 2016
[31] J Chen, L Gu, H Xu, W Zhao. Study on blasting erosion arc machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 85/9-12, 2819-2829, 2016
[32] Y Zhang, N Han, X Kang, W Zhao. An experimental study on the effect of parameters on the depth of crater machined by electrostatic field–induced electrolyte jet micro electrical discharge machining. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 8/4, 1-7, 2016
[33] L Gu, F Zhang, W Zhao, KP Rajurkar, AP Malshe. Investigation of hydrodynamic arc breaking mechanism in blasting erosion arc machining. CIRP Annals. Vol. 65 /1, 233-236, 2016
[34] Wansheng Zhao, Junmin Zheng, Xuecheng Xi, Mo Chen, Hao Chen, Weiwen Xia. A new model of WEDM-CNC system with digitizer/player architecture. Procedia CIRP. Vol. 42, 210-214, 2016
[35] Fawang Zhang, Lin Gu, Jing Hu, Wansheng Zhao. A new thermal model considering TIE of the expanding spark for anode erosion process of EDM in water[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 82/1-2, 573-582, 2016.
[36] Wansheng Zhao, Hui Xu, Lin Gu, Hong Han, K.P. Rajurkar. Influence of polarity on the performance of Blasting Erosion Arc Machining[J]. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 64/1, 213-216, 2015.
[37] Hui Xu, Lin Gu, Jipeng Chen, Jing Hu, Wansheng Zhao. Machining characteristics of nickel-based alloy with positive polarity blasting erosion arc machining[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 79/5–8, 937–947, 2015.
[38] Xuecheng Xi, Wansheng Zhao, Aun-Neow Poo. Improving CNC contouring accuracy by robust digital integral sliding mode control[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 88: 51-61.
[39] Chen M, Wansheng Zhao, Xi Xuecheng. Augmented Taylor's expansion method for B-spline curve interpolation for CNC machine tools[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 94: 109-119.
[40] Xuecheng Xi, Shangcheng Dou, Wansheng Zhao . Online estimation of workpiece height by least squares support vector machines in wire electrical discharge machining[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014, 228(14): 2618-2631.
[41] Xiaoming Kang, Lei Dong, Wansheng Zhao. Performance of propellant for ultrasonically aided electric propulsion[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 98: 1-8.
[42] Shangcheng Dou, Xuecheng Xi, Wansheng Zhao. Workpiece height estimation in wire electrical discharge machining by using support vector regression[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2013, 227(4): 565-577.
[43] Xiao Liu, Xiaoming Kang, Xuecheng Xi, Wei Liang, Wansheng Zhao. Electrode feed path planning for multi-axis EDM of integral shrouded impeller[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 68(5-8): 1697-1706.
[44] Wansheng Zhao, Lin Gu, Hui Xu, Lei Li, Xiaoli Xiang . A novel high efficiency electrical erosion process–blasting erosion arc machining[J]. Procedia CIRP, 2013, 6: 621-625.
[45] Yaou Zhang, Wansheng Zhao, Tiansheng Lu, Jingsong Li. The Attitude Control of the Four–Rotor Unmanned Helicopter Based on Feedback Linearization Control[J]. WSEAS Transactions on Systems (4).2013.Volume 12.Issue 4
[46] Su Liang, Wansheng Zhao, Xuecheng Xi. Design of a real-time NURBS interpolator with constant segment length for milling EDM[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 67(1-4): 427-440.
[47] Ye Yang, Wansheng Zhao. Investigation of the nanoscale features fabricated on the HOPG surface induced by STM electric lithography under different voltage regions in ambient conditions[J]. Precision Engineering, 2013, 37(2): 473-482.
[48] Yi Jiang, Wansheng Zhao, Xuecheng Xi, Lin Gu, Xiaoming Kang. Detecting discharge status of small-hole EDM based on wavelet transform[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61(1-4): 171-183.
[49] Ye Yang, Wansheng Zhao. Nanopit generation on HOPG surface induced by CAFM electric lithography[J]. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2012, 8(4): 263-277.
[50] Yi Jiang, Wansheng Zhao, Xuecheng Xi, Lin Gu. Adaptive control for small-hole EDM process with wavelet transform detecting method[J]. Journal of mechanical science and technology, 2012, 26(6): 1885-1890.
[51] Lei Li, Lin Gu, Xuecheng Xi, Wansheng Zhao. Influence of flushing on performance of EDM with bunched electrode[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 58(1-4): 187-194.
[52] Lin Gu, Lei Li, Wansheng Zhao, K.P. Rajurkarb. Electrical discharge machining of Ti6Al4V with a bundled electrode[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2012, 53(1): 100-106.
[53] Yi Jiang, Wansheng Zhao, Xuecheng Xi. A study on pulse control for small-hole electrical discharge machining[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2012, 212(7): 1463-1471.
[54] Yi Jiang, Wansheng Zhao, Xuecheng Xi, Xiaoming Kang, Lin Gu. Vibration assisted EDM of small-hole using voice coil motor[J]. Procedia CIRP, 2012, 1: 645-650.
[55] Lin Gu, Lei Li, Wansheng Zhao, Kamlakar P. Rjaurkar. An Efficient and Economical Rapid-Tooling Method for Die-Sinking Electrical Discharge Machining[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2011, 133(5): 051004.
[56] Yong Wu, Xiaoming Kang, Xiao Liu, Wansheng Zhao. Electrode Designing System for EDMing Shrouded Turbine Blisk Based on UG Secondary Development[J]. Aerospace Materials & Technology, 2011, 3: 020.
[57] Yi Jiang, Wansheng Zhao, Lin Gu , Xiaoming Kang. Research on Pulse Generator and Pulse Control Technology for Micro Electrical Discharge Machining [J][J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2011, 11: 022.
[58] Yi Jiang, Wansheng Zhao, Xuecheng Xi, Lin Gu, Xiaoming Kang. Detecting discharge status of small-hole EDM based on wavelet transform. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011- 3676-9.:1-13.
[59] Ye Yang, Natsu Wataru, Wansheng Zhao. Realization of eco-friendly electrochemical micromachining using mineral water as an electrolyte[J]. Precision Engineering, 2011, 35(2): 204-213.
[60] Dan Wang, Wansheng Zhao , Xiaoming Kang, Lin Gu, Honyu Wei. Orthogonal-Testing Experimental on Micro-Ultrasonic-Machining of Microcrystalline-Mica-Ceramic [J][J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2010, 1: 011.
[61] Wang Dan, Zhao Wansheng, Gu Lin, Kang Xiaoming. A study on micro-hole machiningof polycrystalline diamond by micro electrical discharge machining. Journal of Materials Processing Technology.2011, 211(1): 3-11.
[62] Xiaoming Kang, Tiezhu Xin, Feng Jin, Lei Dong, Wansheng Zhao. Application of MAO-processed ceramic layerin micro thrusters. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2011, 83(1):21-25
[63] Lei Li, Lin Gu, Xuecheng Xi, Wansheng Zhao. Influence of Flushing on Performance of EDM with Bunched Electrode. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3357-8
[64] Yaou Zhang, Wansheng Zhao, Xiaoming Kang. Control of the permanent magnet synchronous motor using model reference dynamic inversion[J]. WSEAS transaction on systems and control, 2010, 5.
[65] Yaou Zhang, Wansheng Zhao, Hongyu Wei. The study of recursive-based sliding mode adaptive control of the permanent magnet synchronous motor[J]. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 2010, 9(5): 559-569.
[66] Duan Junyi, Kang Xiaoming and Zhao Wansheng. Minimum emission current of indium-field emission electric propulsion thruster. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology. 2010, 82(5) : 284-287


1. 专利名称:集束电极高速放电加工方法 授权号:ZL201110030724.7
2. 专利名称:可内冲液式电火花加工集束成型电极 授权号:CN1657208
3. 专利名称:集束成形电极夹持装置 授权号:CN101890547
4. 专利名称:集束成形电极的数字化制备装置及其制备方法 授权号: CN101966614B
5. 专利名称:水平走丝的分体式微细电火花线切割装置 授权号:ZL200610028638.1
6. 专利名称:基于刃口电极微细电解磨削的微细电极在线制造方法 授权号: ZL200610027966.X
7. 专利名称:蠕动式微细电火花加工装置 授权号: ZL200510025944.5
8. 专利名称:蠕动式微细电火花加工装置 授权号: ZL200510025944.5
9. 软件名称:微细电火花加工数控系统 登记号: 2006SR11595
10. 软件名称:基于Linux的桌面式微细电加工机床数控系统软件 登记号:2009SR017567

1. “闭式整体叶盘六轴联动数控电火花加工技术链”2015年获上海市科技进步一等奖,第一完成人
2. “微机电火花加工自适应控制及放电状态检测系统”,曾于1986年获航天部科技进步一等奖,第三完成人
3. “小深斜孔高速电火花加工”,曾于1996年获航天总公司科技进步二等奖,第一完成人
4. “微细超声电火花复合加工技术”,曾于2002年获国防科技进步三等奖,第一完成人

2023年 上海交通大学特聘教授