








2011.09-2016.06 上海交通大学 动力工程及工程热物理 博士
2013.11-2014.04 Cranfield Univeristy, Energy and Power Engineering, Visiting Student
2007.09-2011.06 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程 学士


2021.1至今 上海交通大学hga010网页登录 副教授
2018.07-2020.12 上海交通大学hga010网页登录 助理教授
2017.07-2018.07 Univerisity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Visiting Scholar
2016.07-2018.06 上海交通大学hga010网页登录 博士后










2024-2027 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于可解释机器学习的航空发动机气路系统随机动力学反问题研究,负责人
2018-2020 国家自然科学基金青年项目:燃气轮机气路故障多学科影响及其平行诊断方法研究,负责人


[3] 杨建华, 周登极. 变尺度共振理论及其在故障诊断中的应用. 上海: 科学出版社, 2020.
[2] 张会生, 周登极. 热力系统建模与仿真技术. 上海: 上海交通大学出版社, 2018.
[1] 张会生, 周登极. 燃气轮机可靠性维护理论及应用. 上海: 上海交通大学出版社, 2016.

[105] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen. A review on the progress, challenges and prospects in the modeling, simulation, control and diagnosis of thermodynamic systems. ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS, 2024.
[104] Zhou, Dengji; Shen, Yaoxin; Wu, Yadong; Tie, Ming; Ma, Shixi; Huang, Dawen; Wang, Yulin. A health status estimation method based on interpretable neural network observer for HVs. ISA TRANSACTIONS, 2024.
[103] Dong, Xinyu; Fang, Zhenchang; Tang, Xincheng; Qiao, Xinqi; Li, Xinling; Zhou, Dengji; Yang, Kang; Wang, Lintao. Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of a dual expansion and triple recuperation supercritical CO2 power cycle driven by DME-oxygen combustor. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, 2024.
[102] Jiang, Xue; Dong, Li; Luo, Lihua; Zhou, Dengji; Ling, Saiguang; Li, Dongmei. Artificial Intelligence-based quantitative evaluation of retinal vascular parameters in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. ENDOCRINE, 2024.
[101] Mo, Zhihan; Zhou, Dengji; Shen, Xun. Parametric analysis of thermal cycle of a short take-off and vertical landing engine. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TURBO & JET-ENGINES, 2024.
[100] Zhou, Dengji; Hao, Jiarui; Xiao, Wang; Wang, Chen; Shui, Chongyuan; Jia, Xingyun; Yan, Siyun. Dynamic simulation of GEH-IES with distributed parameter characteristics for hydrogen-blending transportation. FRONTIERS IN ENERGY, 2023.
[99] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen; Shen, Yaoxin; Ma, Shixi; Wang, Yulin. An interpretable machine learning model for trajectory prediction based on nonlinear dynamics mechanism constraints: applications for HVs. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, 2024.
[98] Wu, Zheng; Zhou, Dengji; Wang, Chen; Shui, Chongyuan. Techno assessment on hydrogen injected gas transportation based on integrated system simulation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2024.
[97] Jia, Xingyun; Zhou, Dengji. Multi-variable anti-disturbance controller with state-dependent switching law for adaptive cycle engine. ENERGY, 2024.
[96] Shen, Yaoxin; Zhou, Dengji; Wu, Yadong; Huang, Dawen. Anti-disturbance control for HVs system subject to nonlinear actuator characteristics with extended state observer. JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2023.
[95] Jia, Xingyun; Zhou, Dengji; Hao, Jiarui; Ma, Yushan; Peng, Zhike. Dynamic simulation based on feature transfer learning with source domain adaptive optimization: Application of data-driven model for aero-engines. MEASUREMENT, 2023.
[94] Jia, Xingyun; Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Xunkai; Wang, Hao. A novel performance analysis framework for adaptive cycle engine variable geometry components based on topological sorting with rules. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2023.
[93] Shui, Chongyuan; Zhou, Dengji; Wu, Zheng; Yu, Weichao; Zhang, Lin; Xing, Tongsheng; Wang, Chen; Du, Zhaonan. Short-term operation optimization for natural gas pipeline considering line-pack: A perspective of optimal transport. GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2023.
[92] Wang, Chen; Zhou, Dengji; Xiao, Wang; Shui, Chongyuan; Ma, Tao; Chen, Peng; Hao, Jiarui; Yan, Jun. Research on the dynamic characteristics of natural gas pipeline network with hydrogen injection considering line-pack influence. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2023.
[91] Huang, Dawen; Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Xunkai; Wang, Hao; Zhao, Xuehong. Gas path deterioration observation based on stochastic dynamics for reliability assessment of aeroengines. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 2023.
[90] Zhou Dengji; Liu Qiaozhen; Yue Mengyun; Huang Dawen; Wang Yulin. Method for thrust fault identification and trajectory prediction of launch vehicle based on interpretable machine learning model. Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument, 2023.
[89] Shui, C.; Shao, R.; Wei, S.; Li, H.; Zhou, D.; Xu, L.. Compressor Operation Monitoring and Optimization Method for Large-scale Natural Gas Pipelines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023.
[88] Li Taotao; Zhou Dengji; Ma Shixi; Huang Di. Distributed Cooperative State Estimation Method of Electric-Heat Integrated Energy System Based on Multiple Time Sections. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering, 2023.
[87] Huang, Dawen; Ma, Shixi; Zhou, Dengji; Jia, Xingyun; Peng, Zhike; Ma, Yushan. Gas path fault diagnosis for gas turbine engines with fully operating regions using mode identification and model matching. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2023.
[86] Jia, Xingyun; Zhou, Dengji; Cao, Mingdong; Hao, Jiarui; Li, Gangtuan; Ma, Shixi; Huang, Hongchao; Xu, Luyao; Mo, Zhihan; Qiang, Xingyu. Design of Control Schedules for Interturbine Burner Turbofan Engine Considering Ignition and Flameout Characteristics. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2023.
[85] Shan, Zhen; Wang, Zhongqiu; Yang, Jianhua; Zhou, Dengji; Liu, Houguang. Extracting non-stationary signal under strong noise background: Time-varying system analysis. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL, 2023.
[84] 强星煜,周登极,尉询楷,等.双转子转速协同规划的涡扇发动机加减速控制计划研究[J].推进技术,2024,45(04):238-247.
[83] 周登极,刘巧珍,岳梦云,等.基于可解释模型的火箭推力故障辨识与轨迹预测方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(11):72-80.
[82] 李滔滔,周登极,马世喜,等.面向多时间断面的电-热综合能源系统分布式协同状态估计方法[J].动力工程学报,2023,43(05):655-662.
[81] Shui, Chongyuan; Zhou, Dengji; Hao, Jiarui; Zhang, Na; Wang, Chen; Bu, Xiangqi; Shao, Tiemin. Mid-term energy consumption predicting model for natural gas pipeline considering the effects of operating strategy. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, 2022.
[80] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen; Zhang, Huisheng; Yang, Jianhua. Periodic analysis on gas path fault diagnosis of gas turbines. ISA TRANSACTIONS, 2022.
[79] Zhou, Dengji; Wang, Chen; Yan, Siyun; Yan, Yuan; Guo, Youyou; Shao, Tiemin; Li, Taotao; Jia, Xingyun; Hao, Jiarui. Dynamic modeling and characteristic analysis of natural gas network with hydrogen injections. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2022.
[78] Huang, Di; Ma, Shixi; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Chenyu; Han, Huachun; Li, Qiang; Li, Taotao; Wang, Chen. A Framework for Decentralized Energy Trading Based on Blockchain Technology. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2022.
[77] Zhou, Dengji; Jia, Xingyun; Peng, Zhike; Ma, Yushan. Coordinate control law analysis for hydrogen blended electricity-gas integrated energy system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2022.
[76] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen. Stochastic response analysis and robust optimization of nonlinear turbofan engine system. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 2022.
[75] Qu, Haoyang; Yang, Jianhua; Shen, Mengen; Chen, Huatao; Zhou, Dengji. Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing under time-varying speed conditions based on EfficientNetv2. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022.
[74] Huang, Dawen; Zhou, Dengji; Jia, Xingyun; Hao, Jiarui; Fang, Qin. Gas path deterioration assessment for turbofan engines based on stochastic in the. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2022.
[73] Zhou, Dengji; Jia, Xingyun; Ma, Shixi; Shao, Tiemin; Huang, Dawen; Hao, Jiarui; Li, Taotao. Dynamic simulation of natural gas pipeline network based on interpretable machine learning model. ENERGY, 2022.
[72] Huang, Dawen; Zhou, Dengji; Jia, Xingyun; Yan, Siyun; Li, Taotao; Huang, Di; Zhang, Chenyu. A mixed integer optimization method with double penalties for the complete consumption of renewable energy in distributed energy systems. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS, 2022.
[71] Huang, Dawen; Tang, Shanhua; Zhou, Dengji; Hao, Jiarui. Nox emission estimation in gas turbines via interpretable neural network observer with adjustable intermediate layer considering ambient and boundary conditions. MEASUREMENT, 2022.
[70] Yan Siyun; Zhou Dengji. Review of Simulation and Scheduling of Hydrogen-blended Transportation in Natural Gas Network of Integrated Energy System. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 2022.
[69] Xu Luyao; Zhou Dengji; Jia Xingyun; He Yingxue. Dynamic characteristics of rotary wheel atmospheric water harvesting simulation model based on distributed parameters. Journal of Xiamen University. Natural Science, 2022.
[68] Miao, Yubin; Fu, Ruochong; Wu, Hang; Hao, Mengxiang; Li, Gang; Hao, Jiarui; Zhou, Dengji. Pipeline of turbine blade defect detection based on local geometric pattern analysis. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, 2022.
[67] 严思韵,周登极.综合能源天然气网混氢输运的仿真与调度综述[J].中国电机工程学报,2022,42(24):8816-8832.
[66] 周登极,郝佳瑞,黄大文.机器学习模型可解释性研究及其在PHM中应用现状综述[J].系统工程,2022,40(06):1-10.
[65] Jia, Xingyun; Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen; Xiao, Wang; Xu, Luyao; Hao, Jiarui. Parametric Analysis of Variable Stator Vane System in Gas Turbines Based on Cosimulation of its Refined Model and System Dynamic Performance Model. ADVANCED THEORY AND SIMULATIONS, 2021.
[64] Zhou, Dengji; Yan, Siyun; Huang, Dawen; Shao, Tiemin; Xiao, Wang; Hao, Jiarui; Wang, Chen; Yu, Tianqi. Modeling and simulation of the hydrogen blended gas-electricity integrated energy system and influence analysis of hydrogen blending modes. ENERGY, 2022.
[63] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen; Jia, Xingyun; Li, Taotao; Wang, Chen; Wang, Duocai; Ren, Yonglei. Study on the maintenance scheduling model for compressor units of long-distance natural gas networks considering actual maintenance demands. JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2021.
[62] Zhou, Dengji; Jia, Xingyun; Hao, Jiarui; Wang, Duocai; Huang, Dawen; Wei, Tingting. Study on Intelligent Control of Gas Turbines for Extending Service Life Based on Reinforcement Learning. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2021.
[61] Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Tingting; Huang, Dawen; Liang, Maozong; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie; Jiang, Ping. Reliability Assessment Based on Multisource Information Fusion Method for High Pressure Natural Gas Compressors. JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2021.
[60] Huang, Dawen; Zhou, Dengji; Hao, Jiarui; Jia, Xingyun; Huang, Di; Zhang, Chenyu; Li, Taotao; Yan, Siyun; Wang, Chen. A discrete optimal control model for the distributed energy system considering multiple disturbance inputs. IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION, 2021.
[59] Yang, Chen; Yang, Jianhua; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Shuai; Litak, Grzegorz. Adaptive stochastic resonance in bistable system driven by noisy NLFM signal: phenomenon and application. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 2021.
[58] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen; Hao, Jiarui; Wu, Hang; Chang, Chuchen; Zhang, Huisheng. Fault diagnosis of gas turbines with thermodynamic analysis restraining the interference of boundary conditions based on STN. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 2021.
[56] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen; Zhang, Le; Hao, Jiarui; Ma, Shixi. A global thermodynamic measurement data reconciliation model considering boundary conditions and parameter correlations and its applications to natural gas compressors. MEASUREMENT, 2021.
[55] Zhou, Dengji; Wang, Guizhou; He, Guojin; Yin, Ranyu; Long, Tengfei; Zhang, Zhaoming; Chen, Sibao; Luo, Bin. A Large-Scale Mapping Scheme for Urban Building From Gaofen-2 Images Using Deep Learning and Hierarchical Approach. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 2021.
[54] Wang Yulin; Zhou Dengji; Hao Jiarui; Huang Dawen. A Compressor Power Soft-Sensing Method Based on Interpretable Neural Network Model. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2021.
[53] 徐璐瑶,周登极,贾星云,等.基于分布参数仿真模型的转轮空气取水动态特性[J].厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2022,61(05):856-861.
[52] 周登极,杨光,王丽伟.工科本科生实践类课程体系建设的成效评析与优化路径——以上海交通大学能源与动力工程专业为例[J].高等工程教育研究,2021,(S1):51-55.
[51] 严思韵,王晨,周登极.含氢能气网掺混输运的综合能源系统优化研究[J].电力工程技术,2021,40(01):10-16+49.
[50] 王煜林,周登极,郝佳瑞,等.一种基于可解释神经网络模型的压缩机功率软测量方法[J].上海交通大学学报,2021,55(06):774-780.
[49] 周登极,邢同胜,张麟,等.大数据背景下天然气管网数据挖掘与应用[J].油气储运,2021,40(03):271-276.
[48] Zhou, Dengji; Hao, Jiarui; Huang, Dawen; Jia, Xingyun; Zhang, Huisheng. Dynamic simulation of gas turbines via feature similarity-based transfer learning. FRONTIERS IN ENERGY, 2020.
[47] Zhou, Dengji; Wang, Guizhou; He, Guojin; Long, Tengfei; Yin, Ranyu; Zhang, Zhaoming; Chen, Sibao; Luo, Bin. Robust Building Extraction for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images with Self-Attention Network. SENSORS, 2020.
[46] Zhou, Dengji; Ma, Shixi; Hao, Jiarui; Han, Dong; Huang, Dawen; Yan, Siyun; Li, Taotao. An electricity load forecasting model for Integrated Energy System based on BiGAN and transfer learning. ENERGY REPORTS, 2020.
[45] Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Dawen; Hao, Jiarui; Ren, Yonglei; Jiang, Ping; Jia, Xingyun. Vibration-based fault diagnosis of the natural gas compressor using adaptive stochastic resonance realized by Generative Adversarial Networks. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, 2020.
[44] Zhou, Dengji; Ma, Shixi; Huang, Dawen; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. An operating state estimation model for integrated energy systems based on distributed solution. FRONTIERS IN ENERGY, 2020.
[43] Yang, Jianhua; Huang, Dawen; Zhou, Dengji; Liu, Houguang. Optimal IMF selection and unknown fault feature extraction for rolling bearings with different defect modes. MEASUREMENT, 2020.
[42] Zhou, Dengji; Yao, Qinbo; Wu, Hang; Ma, Shixi; Zhang, Huisheng. Fault diagnosis of gas turbine based on partly interpretable convolutional neural networks. ENERGY, 2020.
[41] Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Tingting; Ma, Shixi; Zhang, Huisheng; Huang, Di; Jiang, Ping; Lu, Zhenhua. Study on Meta-Modeling Method for Performance Analysis of Digital Power Plant. JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2020.
[40] Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Tingting; Huang, Dawen; Li, Yuanfu; Zhang, Huisheng. A gas path fault diagnostic model of gas turbines based on changes of blade profiles. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, 2020.
[39] Huang, Dawen; Yang, Jianhua; Zhou, Dengji; Litak, Grzegorz. Novel Adaptive Search Method for Bearing Fault Frequency Using Stochastic Resonance Quantified by Amplitude-Domain Index. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2020.
[38] Huang, Dawen; Yang, Jianhua; Zhou, Dengji; Litak, Grzegorz; Liu, Houguang. Influence of Poisson White Noise on the Response Statistics of Nonlinear System and Its Applications to Bearing Fault Diagnosis. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 2019.
[37] Ma, Shixi; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie; Shao, Tiemin. Modeling and Operational Optimization Based on Energy Hubs for Complex Energy Networks With Distributed Energy Resources. JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2019.
[36] 李景轩, 周登极, 肖旺, 张会生. 燃气轮机机理-数据混合建模方法研究. 热能动力工程, 2019, 34(12): 33-39.
[35] Li Jingxuan; Zhou Dengji; Xiao Wang; Zhang Huisheng. Hybrid Modeling of Gas Turbine based on Neural Network. Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power, 2019.
[34] Huang, Dawen; Yang, Jianhua; Zhou, Dengji; Sanjuan, Miguel A. F.; Liu, Houguang. Recovering an unknown signal completely submerged in strong noise by a new stochastic resonance method. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, 2019.
[33] 黄地, 韦婷婷, 周登极, 张会生, 苏明. 湿空气透平循环饱和器水温控制建模分析. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 50(04): 477-483.
[32] Ma, Shixi; Sun, Shengnan; Wu, Hang; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. Decoupling optimization of integrated energy system based on energy quality character. FRONTIERS IN ENERGY, 2018.
[31] Wei, Tingting; Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Di; Ma, Shixi; Xiao, Wang; Zhang, Huisheng. Research on Control Strategy of Integrated Gasification Humid Air Turbine Cycle. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2018.
[30] Zhang, Jingling; Yang, Jianhua; Liu, Houguang; Zhou, Dengji. Improved SNR to detect the unknown characteristic frequency by SR. IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY, 2018.
[29] Huang Di; Wei Tingting; Zhou Dengji; Zhang Huisheng; Su Ming. Modeling and analysis of water temperature control of saturator of humid air turbine cycle. Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2018.
[28] Huang Di; Zhou Deng-ji; Zhang Hui-sheng; Su Ming; Weng Shi-lie. Dynamic model of saturator based on a global heat and mass transfer coefficient. JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY, 2018.
[27] Chen, Jinwei; Li, Jingxuan; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. Control strategy design for a SOFC-GT hybrid system equipped with anode and cathode recirculation ejectors. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 2018.
[26] Huang Di; Chen Jin-wei; Zhou Deng-ji; Zhang Hui-sheng; Su Ming. Simulation and analysis of humid air turbine cycle based on aeroderivative three-shaft gas turbine. JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY, 2018.
[25] 梁茂宗, 周登极, 张会生, 魏芳. 基于改进D-S证据理论的燃气轮机滑油系统故障诊断. 燃气轮机技术, 2018, 31(02): 17-22+36.
[24] Zeng, Detang; Zhou, Dengji; Tan, Chunqing; Jiang, Baoyang. Research on Model-Based Fault Diagnosis for a Gas Turbine Based on Transient Performance. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2018.
[23] Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Tingting; Zhang, Huisheng; Ma, Shixi; Weng, Shilie. A Damage Evaluation Model of Turbine Blade for Gas Turbine. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2017.
[22] Zhou Dengji; Gao Kuanying; Chen Meishan; Zhang Huisheng. A Sensor Fault Diagnosis Method based on Measurement Deviation. Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power, 2017.
[21] 黄地, 周登极, 韦婷婷, 张会生, 苏明. 燃气轮机工质的热物性计算及分析. 海军工程大学学报, 2017, 29(06): 107-112.
[20] 魏芳, 梁茂宗, 马晶玮, 周登极, 张会生. 基于D-S证据理论的发动机部件性能降级量化融合研究. 燃气涡轮试验与研究, 2017, 30(04): 11-15+22.
[19] 周登极, 皋宽英, 陈梅珊, 张会生. 一种面向测量偏差的传感器故障诊断方法. 热能动力工程, 2017, 32(04): 43-48+137.
[18] 周登极, 张会生, 翁史烈. 变控制线的燃气轮机传感器故障诊断方法. 燃气轮机技术, 2017, 30(01): 1-6.
[17] 范满意, 周登极, 侯大立, 张会生. 基于性能仿真模型的燃驱压缩机组数据调和的方法及应用. 热能动力工程, 2017, 32(01): 43-48+120-121.
[16] Zhou, Dengji; Yu, Ziqiang; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. A novel grey prognostic model based on Markov process and grey incidence analysis for energy conversion equipment degradation. ENERGY, 2016.
[15] 陈梅珊, 陈金伟, 周登极, 张会生. 基于状态空间的燃气轮机建模与控制优化. 热能动力工程, 2016, 31(02): 27-31+135.
[14] 韦婷婷, 周登极, 李波, 卢迪, 张龙. 燃气轮机燃料预热器的设计及经济性分析. 燃气轮机技术, 2016, 29(04): 21-25.
[13] 于子强, 周登极, 张会生, 翁史烈. 船用燃汽轮机性能降级新型预测模型的建立及应用分析. 船舶工程, 2016, 38(S2): 130-134.
[12] 周登极, 陈梅珊, 张会生, 翁史烈. 一种基于RCM知识库的燃气轮机维护任务逻辑决断方法. 燃气轮机技术, 2015, 28(04): 16-21.
[11] 周登极, 张会生, 苏明. 一种燃气轮机涡轮叶片蠕变损伤评估模型及其应用. 动力工程学报, 2015, 35(12): 964-969.
[10] Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Li, Yi-Guang; Weng, Shilie. A Dynamic Reliability-Centered Maintenance Analysis Method for Natural Gas Compressor Station Based on Diagnostic and Prognostic Technology. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2016.
[9] Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. A New Gas Path Fault Diagnostic Method of Gas Turbine Based on Support Vector Machine. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2015.
[8] Zhou Dengji; Zhang Huisheng; Su Ming. An Evaluation Model for the Creep Damage of Gas Turbine Blades and Its Application. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering, 2015.
[7] Zhang Meng; Zhou Dengji; Zhang Huisheng; Su Ming. A Method to Diagnose the Performance Degradation of a Gas Turbine Based on Transient Process. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering, 2015.
[6] 张蒙, 周登极, 张会生, 苏明. 一种基于动态过程的燃气轮机性能降级诊断方法. 动力工程学报, 2015, 35(10): 805-809.
[5] Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. A novel prognostic model of performance degradation trend for power machinery maintenance. ENERGY, 2014.
[4] Zhou, Dengji; Mei, Jiaojiao; Chen, Jinwei; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. Parametric Analysis on Hybrid System of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Micro Gas Turbine With CO2 Capture. JOURNAL OF FUEL CELL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2014.
[3] 周登极, 高顺华, 侯大立, 张会生. 燃驱天然气压气站设备以可靠性为中心的维护. 油气储运, 2014, 33(05): 505-509.
[2] 高顺华, 侯大立, 周登极, 张会生, 陈金伟. 一种运行维护阶段的FMECA方法及软件实现. 油气储运, 2014, 33(03): 242-246+251.
[1] 贾广博, 周登极, 张会生. 一种基于控制图的燃气轮机压气机性能评价方法. 机电设备, 2014, 31(02): 19-22.

[24] Zhou, Dengji; He, Guojin; Wang, Guizhou; Yin, Ranyu; Hong, Fangzhou. URBAN BUILDING DETECTION FROM GAOFEN-2 IMAGES BASED ON IMPROVED CENTERMASK. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2021.
[23] Wang, Chen; Yan, Siyun; Shao, Ruifan; Zhou, Dengji; Xu, Luyao. Coordinative Optimization Operation on the Gas-Electricity Integrated Energy Systems. Proceedings - 2021 6th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering, ACPEE 2021, 2021.
[22] Huang, Dawen; Tang, Shanhua; Zhou, Dengji. A nitrogen oxides emission prediction model for gas turbines based on interpretable multilayer perceptron neural networks. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2020.
[21] Li, Taotao; Yan, Siyun; Huang, Di; Zhang, Chenyu; Huang, Dawen; Zhou, Dengji. System Simulation and Comparative Study on Operating Strategies for Regional Integrated Energy Systems. 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities, ICSGSC 2020, 2020.
[20] Yang, Dong; Yan, Siyun; Zhou, Dengji; Shao, Tiemin; Zhang, Lin; Xing, Tongsheng. Reinforcement Learning Methods on Optimization Problems of Natural Gas Pipeline Networks. 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities, ICSGSC 2020, 2020.
[19] Li, Minglong; Shan, Lianlei; Li, Xiaobin; Bai, Yang; Zhou, Dengji; Wang, Weiqiang; Lv, Ke; Luo, Bin; Chen, Si-Bao. Global-local attention network for semantic segmentation in aerial images. Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2020.
[18] Bai, Yaqing(1,2,3); He, Guojin; Li, Haochuan; Wang, Guizhou; Zhou, Dengji. Intelligently Extracting and Analysing High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images for Demolition and Reclamation Land Assessment in Population Relocation for Poverty Alleviation. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020.
[17] Wang, Guan; Yi, Hang; Zhou, Dengji. A computer vision based automated polarity testing system of rocket motor nozzle. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2019.
[16] Wu, Hang; Wang, Wei; Zhou, Dengji; Ma, Shixi; Zhang, Huisheng. Distributed training for data driven models in power machinery online monitoring. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2019.
[15] Wei, Tingting; Zhou, Dengji; Yao, Qinbo; Zhang, Huisheng; Lu, Zhenhua. Simulation model uncertainty quantification and model calibration for natural gas compressor units. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2019.
[14] Yi, Hang; Wang, Guan; Geng, Hui; Xu, Hao; Wang, Wei; Zhou, Dengji. Telemetry data prediction of launch vehicle attitude control engine using LSTM. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2019.
[13] Ma, Shixi; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng. SA-PSO hybrid algorithm for gas path diagnostics of gas turbine. Open Archives of the 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2016, 2019.
[12] Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Wei, Tingting; Lu, Zhenhua; Ma, Shixi; Weng, Shilie. A whole operation life cycle model of gas turbine blades under multi-physics based on variation of blade profile parameters. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2018.
[11] Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Tingting; Ma, Shixi; Zhang, Huisheng; Huang, Di; Lu, Zhenhua. Metamodeling-based performance analysis for digital power plant. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) POWER, 2018.
[10] Zhou, Dengji; Ma, Shixi; Chen, Yao; Wei, Tingting; Zhang, Huisheng; Wei, Fang. A gas path fault diagnostic model for gas turbine based on deep belief network with prior information. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, ICPHM 2018, 2018.
[9] Wei, Tingting; Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Di; Ma, Shixi; Zhang, Huisheng; Lu, Zhenhua. Research on control strategy of integrated gasification humid air turbine cycle. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2017.
[8] Wei, Tingting; Zhou, Dengji; Chen, Jinwei; Cui, Yaoxin; Zhang, Huisheng. Design parameters prediction of new type gas turbine based on a hybrid GRA-SVM prediction model. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2017.
[7] Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Tingting; Liang, Maozong; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. Reliability assessment in motor-driven compressor units based on d-s evidence theory. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2017.
[6] Ma, Shixi; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Lu, Zhenhua. Modeling and optimal operation of a network of energy hubs system with distributed energy resources. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2017.
[5] Shixi, Ma; Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Lu, Zhenhua. Micro gas turbine/renewable hybrid power system for distributed generation: Effects of ambient conditions on control strategy. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2016.
[4] Zhou, Dengji; Chen, Meishan; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie. A damage evaluation model of turbine blade for gas turbine. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2016.
[3] Zhou, Dengji; Wei, Tingting; Zhang, Huisheng; Chen, Meishan; Ma, Shixi; Lu, Zhenhua. A novel information fusion model based on D-S evidence theory for equipment diagnosis. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2016.
[2] Zhou, Dengji; Zhang, Huisheng; Weng, Shilie; Li, Yi-Guang. A dynamic rcm analysis method for natural gas compressor station based on diagnostic and prognostic technology. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2015.
[1] Zhang, Huisheng; Zhou, Dengji; Huang, Di; Wang, Xinhui. Performance analysis on a compressed humid air energy storage system. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2014.


第一发明人. 节流式天然气在线轻烃分离装置. 上海:ZL201310618366. [发明专利]
第一著作权人. 基于自定义算法链的飞行器历史数据机器学习软件. 上海:2020SR0614726. [软件著作权]
第一著作权人. 数据驱动的飞行器在线健康管理软件. 上海:2020SR0614733. [软件著作权]
第一著作权人. 设备管理与RCM分析软件. 上海:2019SR0897149. [软件著作权]
第一著作权人. 燃驱压缩机组预测及健康管理软件. 上海:2019SR0896594. [软件著作权]
第一著作权人. 燃驱压缩机组动态效率监测系统软件. 上海:2018SR11S137931. [软件著作权]
第一著作权人. 燃气轮机状态监测与健康管理软件. 上海:2014SR133155. [软件著作权]

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